Showing Posts For Ricoz.5360:

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ricoz.5360


The problem seems to happen more regularly the more you play especially in place with high volume of players like wvw. Most of the time it happens after running into a huge fight where gfx culling starts happening. Like a 100+ man fight.

As people starts disappearing and appearing due to the culling, all of the sudden every player stops loading for me. Even my own party with the portrait UI doesn’t load. Just shows up as empty. From then on all player and npc’s texture does not load anymore. Your game is now officially bugged and the only way to clear it is to restart the client.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ricoz.5360


That post is made on the 5th. They clearly did something to it which we can all see as it is worst then ever before. Which is the reason for this bug report because they obviously broke something.

At the moment the game seems to be rendering stuff fine until a certain moment which i am not sure what. And then all of a sudden nothing renders anymore. Cant see any players or NPC. The only way to fix it is to restart the client. Ironically, critters like rabbits and rats still renders.

Can we get a system that hold Commanders responsible for there desicions.

in WvW

Posted by: Ricoz.5360


ironic, but in gw2 the problem is always with guilds…
Guilds cannot queue enough of their people in to make a real force, so they form these halfa$$ zergs (sometime with another guild) and disrupt overall strategy and tactics. They run their own objectives, without communicating with rest of the players for battlefield information, and without giving information to rest of the population so they could obtain support.

This morning in HoD-SBI-JQ game EB, without presence of any guild, we (HoD) were making 10k karma/hour, till (Yes I am going to name these kitten PRX and SYN got maybe 20 people into the game, and decided to attack overlook (JQ keep) without consulting with anyone. 3 wipes and rest of the population went down to 2k/hr.

Seriously, people that don’t understand the timer, and cap everything few seconds after round completion should just delete their chars and stop playing this game, let alone trying to lead…

You know you make more karma farming events in cursed shore then in wvw. You have your agenda we have ours. You want to farm karma in wvw we just want to win wvw. And yes we did took overlook.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Ricoz.5360


For some reason people are always complaining about HoD alliance with other servers. You do know we get double teamed alot as well esp when facing JQ and ET. You dont see us complaining. Because we know all collaboration is likely accidental and we just tough it out..