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CoF, Magg, Defend Encounter.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rightnow.4031


Let me just start out by saying that, overall, I really enjoy and love this game. So out of my love for this game I’m going to say what I’m about to say with the hope that Anet will see and understand the case that I am trying to make, and eventually change either the difficulty or the design of the fight.

I wont sugar coat this: the basis of the entire design of the Magg bomb defend encounter defines absolutely everything about the phrase “I’d rather be flogged to death with rusty barbed wire.”

The mobs spawn too fast to kill, and the fact that the majority of the mobs are ranged makes kiting only plausible for so long until death is all but unavoidable. So in the end the only remotely feasible way for the average group of pugs, regardless of gear, and trait build to successfully complete this encounter is by rotating deaths and running back fast enough to get there before the other people in the group die. Even this strategy involves a little bit of luck to even work. All this not to mention after finally successfully completing this encounter, the 20 or so silver reward you get for completing the dungeon barely covers the repair bill you potentially wrack up.

So, essentially what I am trying to point out in this post is that this encounter is the least amount of fun I have ever had in this entire game, and in fact is nothing but a source of frustration to me. I dont mind difficult encounters, but the type of difficulty presented by this encounter is just inexcusably terrible in terms of design. Any encounter that demands the death of every player in the group at least once and others two or three times is just the epitome of poor design.

(edited by Rightnow.4031)

Two Weeks of This and Getting Worse

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rightnow.4031


First off, here’s what im running:

AMD Radeon HD 6670
AMD Phenom II X4 965 (3.4 GHz)

Two weeks ago after an update I started having a very annoying problem where my frames just drop to 7-12 fps for like 15 secs before returning to the normal 50+. I eventually figured out that for some reason, regardless of where I am, what I am doing, or even what quality i have the graphics on, GW2 is spiking up to 100% usage on all 4 of my cores during that time before returning to the normal 50% upon which my frames return. Keep in mind that I had played two stress tests, a BEW, and three weeks after launch on the 25 before this started happening.

Worse yet, the problem seems to be happening more frequently. I did a CoE last night and i estimate that i spent 40% of the dungeon at less than 15 fps.

I have done absolutely everything to try and fix this, and the more I try the more I solidify in my mind that this problem is not something that requires fixing on my end, and in fact I have come to post here today to receive some kind of acknowledgement that Anet is aware of this problem and are seeing what they can do about it on their end.

I love this game, but this is getting old. If a month goes by with no fix I might as well buy and play MoP until this get fixed. I can only take so much of getting one shot whilst playing in a slideshow.


FPS breaks in - GPU usage too

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rightnow.4031


I have been experiencing the same thing recently. I have no idea what happened, but up until a week ago my frames were smooth and never dropped below 40 on mostly high and ultra settings. Now, regardless of what i am doing whether it be intense WvW, or just standing completely still in the most isolated part of the world my frames drop to 10-15 for 20ish secs before returning to normal. This happens every 2-3 minutes for me, and it does not matter what i have the graphics/sound quality set to.

“Its a amd cpu as well though. Doesn’t matter how many cores it has. It just doesn’t have the same power as an i5 or i7. Hell an i3 beats it.”

This entire point is completely irrelevant due to the fact that both the OP’s as well as my processor was handling the game perfectly fine for a period of time, and then only recently have started having an issue.

My Framerate Problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rightnow.4031


My computer isnt incredible by any stretch of the imagination but it does what i wanted for the price that i paid. It’ll be a year old this october.

AMD Radeon HD 6670
AMD Phenom II X4 965 (3.4 GHz)

The reason why i comented about WoW is because my computer is running it on almost all settings at high or ultra with no issues in and out of heavy combat, and GW2 just randomly started having this problem where even if i turn all of the graphics and sound quality settings all the way down and stand still this still happens. Regardless of the generation gap I feel that this is still abnormal, especially since the game was running fine for 2 weeks.

My Framerate Problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rightnow.4031


Yes, I know for a fact that GW2 is the culprit, and my AV does a scan every night. Im pretty positive that it is not a virus.

My Framerate Problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rightnow.4031


GW2 was running absolutely perfect on my computer up until about a little less than a week ago. However, now about every minute or two (no matter where I am, or what I am doing) my frames drop into the low teens or even single digits for about 15 secs and then go back to the normal high 40s in combat to high 50s or 60 everywhere else.

I determined from running a resourse monitor in the background while playing that during those 15s that gw2 is essentially maxing 100% on all four cores of my cpu and then returning back to normal.

What i know:
- This happens no matter how far I turn down graphics and/or sound quality.
- This problem does not occur when playing WoW.

I had a irl friend mention to me that he had a very similar problem several months ago while playing WoW and his problem ended up being corrupted game files and required him to uninstall and reinstall the game to fix it. I have no idea if thats the same issue im having here, but any other thoughts or advice as to what line of action i need to take to make this stop happening is appreciated.