Showing Posts For Rikkimarru.4701:

(Yaks Bend) Looking 4 Active Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rikkimarru.4701


Looking for a active/social PvX Guild with livly guild chat on Yaks Bend!

Support/Spirit Ranger | Katt Napp | Fort Aspenwood

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rikkimarru.4701


We closed a serious but not-widespread exploit, and banned those accounts that performed it and those that received or stored the wealth they generated.

So… an exploiter can get OTHER people banned by giving them gold or items? A friend or guildmate tossing me a few gold to help me out can cost me my account?

That’s a bit terrifying.

Yup, that’s what is happening.
One guildie got banned after sending his brother 90 gold that he needed for the achievement a few months ago and the other by lending another guild member 80 gold so he could buy ectos when they were cheap a while back.
Full messages were included on the mail not just a plain mail with gold in it.
All to guild members within the same guild, same server, no monkey business.
If they were really investigating and reviewing the accounts there’s no way the mail would seem like it was gold selling or anything fishy.

Support/Spirit Ranger | Katt Napp | Fort Aspenwood

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rikkimarru.4701


This is just another proof of their automated banning system.
I’ve had 6 guild members been banned so far in the last couple months, 2 for emailing gold and 4 for “botting” , 3 of them were farming mats for their legendary in Southsun Cove. No emails were ever sent with an explanation as to why they were banned or anything just the error box as they were trying to log in.
They all got their accounts back thankfully but 3 have since quit the game all together due to the unjustified bans and the fear of putting in more game time to just have it all go away in an instant.
Heck now I won’t even step foot in Southsun Cove due to the fear of be mistaken for a bot or even use the mail system to send anything to anyone, even to my alt account. It sucks that you have to always worry about the “ban” hammer dropping on you for normal game play.
I understand that they’re trying to get rid of botters and gold sellers but too many innocents are being taken down in the process. So their guilty until proven innocent stance has to end or more good people will leave the game.

Anet has stated more then once that people are NOT banned automaticly. Everything is reviewed and if one is banned falsly that is a human made mistake.

Sure, they say that they review it, but come on this latest ban wave proves otherwise.
The review process I think is some guy hitting “ban all” once their filters generates a list of accounts to be banned.
No an actual person reviewing on a case by case basis, if they were this sort of stuff would not happen.
Also an email with an explanation as to why you were banned, with actual proof would be in order.
I mean it’s $60 and countless hours of your life just flushed down the toilet without any sort of explanation, just the generic box you’re given while trying to log in.
Anet you need to do better than that.

Support/Spirit Ranger | Katt Napp | Fort Aspenwood

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rikkimarru.4701


This is just another proof of their automated banning system.
I’ve had 6 guild members been banned so far in the last couple months, 2 for emailing gold and 4 for “botting” , 3 of them were farming mats for their legendary in Southsun Cove. No emails were ever sent with an explanation as to why they were banned or anything just the error box as they were trying to log in.
They all got their accounts back thankfully but 3 have since quit the game all together due to the unjustified bans and the fear of putting in more game time to just have it all go away in an instant.
Heck now I won’t even step foot in Southsun Cove due to the fear of be mistaken for a bot or even use the mail system to send anything to anyone, even to my alt account. It sucks that you have to always worry about the “ban” hammer dropping on you for normal game play.
I understand that they’re trying to get rid of botters and gold sellers but too many innocents are being taken down in the process. So their guilty until proven innocent stance has to end or more good people will leave the game.

Support/Spirit Ranger | Katt Napp | Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Rikkimarru.4701)