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1/28 Dungeon update: Your thoughts?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RikunFrances.9604


I can’t wait to see this new no waypoint thing come full circle. There’s times when I’ve gone to a waypoint because I died under the boss and nobody was going to resurrect me anyways, so I might as well rejoin the fight and not be a useless corpse. Actually, with this new waypoint system I suspect there’s going to be a lot of useless corpses. Other times, if you’re trying to resurrect, the boss aggros on you and either starts to try to attack the one trying to heal you or AOE’s the crap out of your corpse. I die a lot in dungeons, because I’m a theif and sometimes I make a wrong move or just get stuck in a situation that’s going to kill me, and while sometimes I wait to get rezzed, other times, the rest of my group is suffering and so I want to get to a waypoint and get back to help them without getting in their way with my dying. Like one person previously mentioned, this is only going to deter teamwork and if you happen to make a slip up or a mistake, chances are you’ll never get to dungeon any time soon since your name will go around as “that person with crappy equips” or “that person that always dies and needs to be rezzed, waste of time.”