Showing Posts For Roanen.1294:

When new zones are added...

in Living World

Posted by: Roanen.1294


Actually, I’m not really sure I understood what OP meant. Sure, while the zones on the World Map are rectangular (for easier segmentation, I believe), if you were to physically run around the map with your character and trace and outline of the zone by hugging the leftmost wall, I don’t think you’d end up with a box. :/

True enough, but i think his concern was more about the way they actually look on the map not where you are actually allowed to run.

When the sun is removed from it’s perch, then darkness shall cover the land.

Windcaller Kieldia

in Living World

Posted by: Roanen.1294


I did it an my necro so it’s not nearly the same thing but my advice would be to go through utilities(i have an ele just not 80 yet), mist form should help to get you out of the whirlwinds but you might want to look for something that gives stability. Use those only if you start to get juggled, until then keep hitting her with burns and such. As for weapons i would recommend the Sc/D against her, try your best to keep b/w the (imagining the field as a dartboard) 2x and 3x areas as it gives you room to be bounced AWAY from the wind not juggled by it and give as much of a dose of fire as possible, healing with water when necessary. (For this fight you may want to set the healing signet as the others seem to do very little from what i have seen, of course if i’m forgetting a better one for this situation plz forgive me.)

When the sun is removed from it’s perch, then darkness shall cover the land.

When new zones are added...

in Living World

Posted by: Roanen.1294


I’d like to see some “natural” shaped zones myself. I don’t care about how we zone, but please, no more rectangles. (If this gets interpreted as “I want circles” I might lose some grey matter against some very unfortunate walls)

When the sun is removed from it’s perch, then darkness shall cover the land.

Difficult Gauntlet Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: Roanen.1294


As for Liadri, you can find some guides from 9months ago that seem to still apply, but i don’t think that you were timed then. Honestly, i think it’s just a matter of avoidance and dps for her.

When the sun is removed from it’s perch, then darkness shall cover the land.