Showing Posts For Roberto.7190:

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Roberto.7190


According to the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram’s Celestial Book of Powa Volume 5000 Chapter 7 entitled FTF and the Echo of the Great Storm,

“We, my brethren, are not fishers of men but rather finishers of men and…….
women. Unsheathe your sword …

may the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram be with us…"

Noice… you really are trying to make us look like Porn Stars in our non gaming time huh?

Frisco – 80 D/D Thief

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Roberto.7190


Tons of fun fights tonight regardless of the PPT. Thank you for not being Kaineng, EB. Feeling bad for you IoJ. Hang in there.

Hey man we we’re just thinking that we dont want to be that way.

Btw had some fun fights with you earlier in the day i got you once but i remember your group steamrolled us that one time near the ruins.

Looking forward forward to more during the week.

Dear FTF, these fights would be better if your people didn’t /dance and /laugh on our corpses when you wipe us 10v3. I am saying 10v3 because we killed 5 of you already.

Miss Winters.

Welcome to WvW? This was right after a guildmate of mine who is known for long speeches and I engaged about 15 people. After downing 5-6 I died trying to stomp someone and he was still able to get away. This is the game we play, learn to love it.

Not the game I play. If I have a good fight, I /bow and move on, if not, I will skip the first part. But I guess we are of different mindsets when it comes to courtesy in WvW, so I will just leave it at that. No feelings hurt, the players responsible obviously paid the price.

I can understand that. For example I don’t emote. If I want to say good fight I join your group and tell you. The point is people from all sides do it, thus it makes it a little annoying for someone to point out every time it happens.

Frisco – 80 D/D Thief

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Roberto.7190


Tons of fun fights tonight regardless of the PPT. Thank you for not being Kaineng, EB. Feeling bad for you IoJ. Hang in there.

Hey man we we’re just thinking that we dont want to be that way.

Btw had some fun fights with you earlier in the day i got you once but i remember your group steamrolled us that one time near the ruins.

Looking forward forward to more during the week.

Dear FTF, these fights would be better if your people didn’t /dance and /laugh on our corpses when you wipe us 10v3. I am saying 10v3 because we killed 5 of you already.

Miss Winters.

Welcome to WvW? This was right after a guildmate of mine who is known for long speeches and I engaged about 15 people. After downing 5-6 I died trying to stomp someone and he was still able to get away. This is the game we play, learn to love it.


Frisco – 80 D/D Thief

12/21 BP vs EB vs DH vs Xmas

in WvW

Posted by: Roberto.7190


That Longview battle at DH BL… Back and forth between the garrison… Epic!

DH brings the heat gratz on pushing us out! But we’ll be back

Look for the Sunrise


Were you that ‘awesome’ sunrise wielder, with another legendary carrier and a whole group, that just chased my ele across half the map just to keep me away from the JP? :P

Nope, he went to bed hours ago from boredom. Probably from sitting around waiting for someone to mount an attack. I wasn’t in the area, but if you run you will generally be chased. (Never understood people not liking being chased, its as if there is a 30 foot rule. You run 30 feet out you don’t get to chase me!) Of course, I am always a fan of making it as easy as possible for my enemy to get siege to use against me later.

Frisco – 80 D/D Thief

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Roberto.7190


I would personally just blame Frisco. Works for everything else.

Frisco – 80 D/D Thief