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Leveling an Elem...constructive advice requested

in Elementalist

Posted by: Robin.8517


I’m lazily playing an asura ele, currently 58 and i have to agree with shockwave on the attunement swap part and knowing your skills.
Most people complain about the lack of weapon swap but if you consider that an ele by changing attunement does get a new set of weapon/off hand skill bar at every change then wouldn’t that be over powered?

I started playing as staff user and i still do that when i play group events that allows me to hit from far, but in all other cases i use a dual dagger build.
It’s a close range approach that forces me to be constantly on the move, get close to the enemies to hit but the damage output is pretty high in my opinion.

Consider this, while using a staff i had trobules facing a veteran, now i take them head on, the only situation i find hard to face is multiple know downs, say two or more ettins that manage to catch me with the right timing.

PVP is a totally different story for me, i haven’t yet figured that out but that is largely due to the fact that i’ve been stuck on a bad connection since launch day and lag is usually why i die in pve so pvp is out of the question for now.
I know people say ele suck in pvp but i cannot speak about it for personal experience.

(edited by Robin.8517)