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Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Rockhumper.1254


Just substitute any instance of the word “Elementalist” with the word “Ranger”.

Also, substitute the part where he talks about “Dragon’s Tooth” and insert “Pet”.

I couldn’t quit crying after watching this vid, “number 2, number2, number 2, OOoh, what a noob!”

Gave me a good laugh, definately something’s wrong…. Esports? lol

Ranger jokes time

in Ranger

Posted by: Rockhumper.1254


How do you tell a ranger does way too much drugs? Read the post above me!


Ranger jokes time

in Ranger

Posted by: Rockhumper.1254


Well tbh i have some suggestions to improve SB MORE:
a) Add a casting bar on crossfire, also after 3 hits add a cooldown that punish u for spamming you only dps ability(autoattack).
b) The bleeding from crossfire should only be applied only when you are above the enemy player. Behind or from side is for the weak.
c)Poison voley: Reverse the debuff, make the enemy players heal for 33% not decreasing the healing potency 33%.
d)Quick shot: Leave it as it is , they reach u anyways.
e)Crippling shot: Outplayed, pet based ability 10% chance to hit a critter, 0% to hit an enemy player. Check d).
f)Concussion shot: Our hard CC ability. 1 sec stun (if you ask them to turn their back). Make it 0.5 and 1/3 sec couse atm when i blink my eyes i can still catch the end.

And some general suggestions.
Change the F2 from pets. When you press they should dance (not instant, when they feel like it (like now)).
Wear roller skates at pets feet. After this can effectively pull all the room and faster when stops 20 feet ahead u.
Halloween feature: Give pets a very scary mask. This way when enemies moving and the pet cant hit them couse…. it simply cant, can scare him to death.
Special ability: When you pet dies in 2 seconds it should AoE cheer for new killing records. Danger of spam.

These were some heavy thoughts after serious concentration. Lets just put them in the game and see how the ppl will react.
After these improvements consider to rename Ranger profession into Danger.

Had a really good laugh, thanks for this!

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Rockhumper.1254


Can we please get a response on Shortbow status?

Pet's names

in Ranger

Posted by: Rockhumper.1254


I’ll make it short and sweet, does anyone else would like to have their pet names tagged to their type instead of their slot??? For example if I name my bear Yogi I don’t want my spider to be named Yogi too, you see… I love my pets and to be respectful they should all have distinct names :P