Showing Posts For RoenHawk.5891:
This basically has taken the fun out of playing my thief. The one trait that made the P/P a viable and fun choice is gone. Sad to see arena net destroy a whole option for thief like that. Might as well resource kit my second pistol at this point and put him on the side bench of characters to play. I’m not holding my breath that the Elite reveal will have this coming back.
I totally agree with changing the way stealth works for this class in WvW. It is way too easy to down people due to the abilities that thief’s get.
1. Practically Parma Stealth
2. Mass Damage near top of classes
3. Top end mobility in the game.
Stealth is by far the strongest ability in the game to augment damage. The AOE argument is lame, if a thief does not know or for that matter any class does not know how to stay out of an AOE in this game then they deserve to die.
I have never encountered a game where you have to build CC AOE in order to be able to defend against a thief or you die. Unless you are a Guardian or Warrior that can put up blocks has outstanding HP or defense then you’re dead in less than 5 sec. It is ridiculous that they get all 3 abilities to the degree without taking penalties in the 3 I listed. The thief class has been the only class since day one of this game that has been over the top with its abilities. I would rather them have 50% more DPS if you could see them more often. Nothing is more frustrating than never having your spells queue up before a thief jumps in and out of stealth. Counting the 2-3 seconds before HS hits is ok until you can no longer dodge the attack. I play a thief and it gets boring after a while because all you do in the same combo over and over and over again. Once you get it down there is not much dynamics to playing thief. They are an inch wide and an inch deep as classes in this game goes. They’re the only class in the game that is out of control right now. Warriors, Mesmer’s, and Elementalist can be difficult to fight but are nowhere near a thief’s ability to one-on-one right now. I really don’t put any faith in GW2 development at this time to address this issue. If they have not done it by now they will never do it. Everyone who has played the class and the game since day one knows that the thief class gets the most grief because of the major advantage of the big three we get. I would just like an update from the developers that just tells people that this is the way it is and will never change. At the very least it would cut down on all the complaining that goes on concerning a class that has a very strong competitive advantage in WvW.
I have always felt that there have been some good suggestions on the forms on how to deal with this but they have yet to implement them to the extent that they need.
Will see what happens I guess.
Thief’s in WvW d/p perms stealth with 20K+ burst is a bit much. All that needs to be done is either reduce their DPS again or reduce the time it takes to go back into stealth. It is not a DPS issue but a stealth and movement issue right now with this class. I can see why other classes have issues with not being able to hit back if they are melee based classes and not condition build ones. I hope this coming patch gets it right for once.
Thief is to OP 3 reasons:
Stealth ability is way too long.
Hard to fight back when they can be in stealth 80%+ of the fight and move out of your AOE traps and snares at will. This is the number 1 reason why people hate thieves. Their ability to keep you from seeing them in order to retaliate outside of AoE attacks is way to over the top.
Mobility is way too good
They can get out of roots slows anything that inhibits their ability to move. Movement is independent of conditions that slow that ability.
DPS spike is way too high
They can spike kill you almost instantly unless your class has the ability to trigger protection when hit. No other class in the game has all 3 advantages in one so the theif is OP due to that fact.
Everyone knows this that has played a theif up to lv80 with full PvP gear. It is very easy to kill every other class once you know your casting orders and watch your condition bar so you don’t kill yourself when your mez bombed. No other class can compete with a thiefs abilitys.
Group Finder
The game needs a good Group Finder that puts groups together to do instances. It is getting harder and harder to spam for CoF, AC and other instances. Having to use a 3rd party utility Gw2LFG web site to find a group shows how bad this feature is need in the game. The group finder should put groups together across servers as well so the pool to find people is greatly increased. We can already guest to other servers so we should be able to group across servers too.
Also the Dragon Timer that is used to kill all the major events needs to be added to the game as well. When a game needs to rely on 3rd party utility’s to play the game then the development team needs to address that need in game and provide it. These two enhancements will be greatly appreciated by the GW2 community.
The first character I ever played in GW2 was my Ranger. I have over 23k+ WvW kills on him alone. I have 5 other lv 80 fully geared WvW and PvP vetted classes that I am very proficient at playing based on what builds and rolls they play in WvW and PvP. The current joke when you get killed by every other class one-on-one in WvW and PvP right now is why you are playing a Ranger? Pick another class, everyone knows Rangers suck. Although improvements have been made to a degree with how long you will survive against a well-played counter class it is extremely obvious to all those who have ever played a ranger in competitive WvW and PvP how disadvantaged the class is in a one-on-one solo fights against equally skilled appoints of other class types regardless of which build you use. Whenever I see a solo Ranger in WvW while runing to get to a keep etc. I say to myself free loot bag with legs and don’t think twice about killing them. All the other classes I look at what buffs they run to see if they know what they are doing before I attack. Rangers are a no brainer just attack them and collect your loot. Everyone has an opinion about what build, gear, food, etc. etc. etc. you should have used depending on what killed you but the fact of the matter is that there is no balance in the class that puts it on an equal footing with any other class of the same level and skill. Anyone who tells you otherwise has not played the class and does not know what they are talking about. For example if you build your ranger to be able to live longer against a thief class you get smoked worse by the other 7 class types due to the weakness of a thief build. I can take any of my other 5 lv80 classes and find 2 builds that can defend against and defeat multiple other classes. The ranger class lacks the ability to do this. You will find that many of the best rangers who started playing as rangers when the game first came out will now avoid choosing that class and are often asked to not bring it into WvW or PvP competitive events because it puts the team at a disadvantage right from the start. It is kind of like dodge ball, Ranger gets picked last. I don’t know if this class can ever be a viable PvP or WvW class at this point now that fury and GS has been nerfed. The other classes just bring far more too any group they join. I hope Arena Net can figure it out because I am done theory crafting for hours and hours and hours trying to figure out how to make a Ranger competitive when they already start at a disadvantage.