Showing Posts For Roger.6275:

Soundtrack overall

in Audio

Posted by: Roger.6275


I enjoy the music, it is very relaxing to me while I am playing the game. The ambient sounds and environment sounds are well done, it increases immersion. Good job as far as I’m concerned.

Reward exploration

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roger.6275


Place certain chests and tough creatures in areas to reward exploration. This is done is some areas but more of it could be done. Put them off the beaten path, in places where people just following an event are likely not to go. Some way to reward those of us who still like to adventure into the unknown looking for that rare monster or rare chest.


I have seen many sunken ships that would be good place to hide chests, they could be full of gold or items etc.

Make hidden areas in on mountain sides that require exploration to find, maybe at a little flashing area that you can use your mining pick and you dig in there and find a cavern to explore.

Place hidden items underground or better yet make certain areas where you just fall through the ground, like a trap and then find you need to explore this area that this worm dug to catch prey.

Those are just a few I can think of you guys/gals seem very creative. Lets make this game challenging. The tough jumping puzzle for sunset cove was nice, the harder something is the better the reward.

Charzooka not working properly

in Charr

Posted by: Roger.6275


Occasionally when I used my charzooka elite skill, it comes up but then immediately defaults to the normal skills I can use for my other two weapons. It shows the icon in the UI where I have 15 rockets but I can’t get to them. It was doing this off/on when I played last week, but now it happens every time I do it. Anyone know if there is a key I need to be pushing to make the skills come up so I can use it?

Same bots still there

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roger.6275


I reported some bots a couple of weeks ago and they are still in the same area. It just ruins the game them being there. The same five ones with the same name, reported several times

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roger.6275


My take is you bought the sales hype.

DEs are weak. Simple zergfests and nothing more, they have little to no impact on the world and just repeat endlessly. Public quests in Warhammer were more fleshed out.

A lot of GW2 sounds goon on paper, but in practice we end up wandering around spamming attacks in zergy, unfocused encounters.

GW2 isn’t misunderstood by people who don’t like it, it’s understood all too well and we see it for what it really is. An oversimplified, theme park of a game with very little depth.

In all MMO’s you are spamming attacks. Come up with something better.

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Roger.6275


Going to quit participating in WvW until this issue is resolved. I am sure there is a lot that we do not know about this problem. It is a free to play game so no money is lost due to not playing. However I really enjoy the game and I want to play.

I haven't gotten a gold sale letter in a week.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roger.6275


They banned 3000 bots this tuesday.

source ?

Our Security Team via me. We endorse this message.

Still receiving in-game mail from gold sellers. Still seeing gold selling spam in chat. Still watching them running around in packs, “hunting” out in the wilds. Still reporting, for whatever that’s worth.

Reporting is good. And removing bots is an incremental thing. There’s a certain level of “whack-a-mole” on this, but trust me, the moles are losing.

I like “whack-a-mole”

Keys for Black Lion Chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roger.6275


Support Anet and buy some keys with real money or use in game currency to exchange for gems and buy keys that way. You can get a lot of keys for $10.

Workers aren't working

in WvW

Posted by: Roger.6275


Oh i see, thanks for the help.

Workers aren't working

in WvW

Posted by: Roger.6275


I went and looked at this again. You can see the workers standing around while they need to be working on mortars and various other upgrades, seen in the background. Do they not work in the lightning?


Workers aren't working

in WvW

Posted by: Roger.6275


I have seen some workers work and other workers just stand around when there are cannons to be built and oil to fix. There are plenty of supplies available for them to work and the proper upgrades are ordered. They just stand around.

In the garrison there are several areas with workers, do they just have a radius that they fix or what?

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roger.6275


Just happened to me at the garrison during a huge match.

Flame Legion Battles bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roger.6275


It was working a couple days ago, I don’t know if some previous events need to be completed before moving on to this one. I know some of them work this way and if one fails then the event will not move on. The other day I went with Rankar and his warband.