Showing Posts For Rolando.9437:

Ascalon explorer 176/177?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rolando.9437


As it happens, it is possible to discover the area, you just need to approach the door.
Im happy now.

Ascalon explorer 176/177?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Humm… It seems you are right “Langmar State”, so I need a guild to discover it??
If that is the case I am Kitten.

Thanks for your answer!

Ascalon explorer 176/177?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Hi all.

I am going crazy with this, only one area but everything seems cleared. I did my research before posting, in the wiki and here:

Curiosly, it has listed only 176 areas in ascalon and I had verified each one. Can somebody help??

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


“What is the power your heart most desire” Said the Archmage, hidden in shifting shadows, with a voice made of the echos of one thousand souls trapped for ever in torment.
“I want a Bow, the most powerfull bow ever made, fitting to kill Ancient Dragons and freeze my enemys in fear just before my arrows pierce their bones and steal their lifeforce”
“You paid the ultimate price, so is yours… Anything else?”
“Yes, I want it to shoot unicorns and leave a path of color in the air, for they take my childhood, the same day as my family and friends, but not forever, not all. And I want the last thing they see is my deathly smile clothed in the colors they were unable to destroy”

“So be it. I give you The Dreamer. May your vengeance be unending.”

“What is the power your heart most desire” Said the Archmage, hidden in shifting shadows, with a voice made of the echos of one thousand souls trapped for ever in torment.
“I want a Bow, the most powerfull bow ever made, fitting to kill Ancient Dragons and freeze my enemys in fear just before my arrows pierce their bones and steal their lifeforce”
“You paid the ultimate price, so is yours… Anything else?”
“Yes, I want it to shoot unicorns and leave a path of color in the air, for they take my childhood, the same day as my family and friends, but not forever, not all. And I want the last thing they see is my deathly smile clothed in the colors they were unable to destroy”

“I see, I perhaps do not have the bow you seek, but if you meet my friend Alagorn the Ambiguous behind the Blue Oyster Bar in lions Arch on Friday night…he may be able to fulfil your desires”

Well played!!

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


“What is the power your heart most desire” Said the Archmage, hidden in shifting shadows, with a voice made of the echos of one thousand souls trapped for ever in torment.
“I want a Bow, the most powerfull bow ever made, fitting to kill Ancient Dragons and freeze my enemys in fear just before my arrows pierce their bones and steal their lifeforce”
“You paid the ultimate price, so is yours… Anything else?”
“Yes, I want it to shoot unicorns and leave a path of color in the air, for they take my childhood, the same day as my family and friends, but not forever, not all. And I want the last thing they see is my deathly smile clothed in the colors they were unable to destroy”

“So be it. I give you The Dreamer. May your vengeance be unending.”

January February mega upgrade

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


If a beautiful girl says to you “I want to give you more”, you say: “Bring it on!!”, not: “Excuseme, but i cant fail to notice the extrange way you bend your left metatharsus while we are in the couch, so, until you fix that, I will not accept anything else”

Well… in fact you can say that, but then you dont like her.

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


It is a sad world when some people try their hardest to ammend a wrong, and others preach for their doom just because the solution was not perfect.

A complaint submission form (satire)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Nice one!

Gear and skill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Then you are building your warrior with purpose. The gear is selected because it serve “great justice”
And to do so, you must learn the nuances of your profession, develop a playstyle, etc.
In short, you learn to play better.
And your conclusion is spot on:

“…maybe gear tiers do not matter as much, but choosing the right kind of gear sure does.”

Knowledge with skill is the ultimate weapon and the best armor.

Gear and skill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


I play as an elementalist, have been doing so for three months now.
The thing is, two weeks ago I hit 80, geared my first exotics and started to think in the next step.
Legendaries are not a realistic goal for me because I play one two hours max a day, so I watch exotic armor sets, weapons, jump puzzles, world exploration, jeweller crafting as more inmediate sources of accompishment.
I thougt tha I was not an exceptional player and really dont want to invest the time in become one, but here is the thing:
Playing with my traits and skills last night I found a build that increases my damage and life expectancy almost an order of magnitude, suddenly I can solo 5-8 mobs without dying, something unheard of for me before.
It is nothing spectacular, just a nice sinergy between traits skills and weapons, there are for sure hundreds of builds better (I am not even counting with runes\inscriptions, etc).
This lead me to think: “Really the gear is that important??”
If a slight change in build and style of play can alter the game experience so much, It is not a mistake to base your profficiency in the type of gear you wear??
Of course it matters, but I am happy to learn that the skill developed in the game, the knowledge of your class is the real deal here.
A good player in rares is worth more than a bad player in megaultraascendet apocallyptic gear, always will be.
The power plateau is in your skill.

Of course, the logic goes: “But if two equally skilled players duel, the winner surelly will be the one with the ascended infused backpack and rings”
Perhaps, but this hippotettical duel is statistically very unlikelly ) and I think the bottom of the issue is the need to blame outside factors when you lose and the not very honorable attempt to rob the moral victory from someone that was better than you.

I keep enjoing this game, keep learning and I am thankful each time someone defeat me, because each death is a lesson.

What do you think?

Tipping players for help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Well, I am a hero of Tyria after all… I help to guard cows and awake drunks, and kill a dragon here and there…
But nothing is better than help a fellow hero in a moment of need.
That is reward enough.

Go with a bang!, then return in silence...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Don’t patronize me by telling me I’m going to start playing again because GW2 is just so good. It was so good, when it wasn’t a traditional MMO — it’s now no different than the rest of the market, save for WvWvW, which will be affected negatively by ever-increasing gear stats (mudflation leads to emergent balance issues, as the ultimate effect of larger stats depends on what stat you’re looking at, that is, condition damage scales pretty linearly but power/crit%/critdmg scale at an exponentially increasing rate with one another).

I haven’t been, and won’t be, playing any other MMO — so why do you assume I will eventually come back? Why would I play a game which is not the game I want to play? I’ve not so much free time that I will spend it playing things I don’t like.


I don´t patronize you, I said “most of them”, not “all of them”.
Obviously you don´t plan to come back and your reasons are solid for you, that is enough.

Take care, have fun.

Go with a bang!, then return in silence...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Well, it was not my intention to troll, I really want the people to return because if not, one day I will be left dead in some corner of the map with no hope of resurrection. Besides, diversity makes things better and stronger.

The divide is not definitive, I enjoy deeply this game, but is possible one day I find myself lacking desire to play, then I will take a break. But I can return anytime when they add something new that lures me back.
I think the fundamentalism always hurt more the believer than the gentile, so there must be some degree of tolerance, in this case not only to the developers, but to the other groups of players that find some changes for the better.
The ascended gear is a minuscule part of the game, I dont have it, I dont expect to have it anytime soon, but it does not take away the things I have been enjoing fron day one, so i dont have issues with it.
It can be a sign of a different path, but I dont think is the only path that will be left for me and I dont care if there is people down the road that is better equiped than me, because I am used to it in real life.

Is a very personal thing, not a manifesto, not an imposition.
Keep playing with me

Go with a bang!, then return in silence...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


…is exactly what will do most of the people who menaces with leaving the game due their perceived betrayal of the manifesto by Anet.

Its, ok.
The game changes, some things are gamebreaking now for you, but down the road I am sure you will find again the lost love.
And I will be here, along some other hundreds thousand more gamers, ready to wellcome you, no questions asked.
Everyone makes mistakes, the developers and the gamers.
But if you actually find another MMORPG better than this one (less grind, less elitism, no suscriptions, etc), please tell us.

I dont want your stuff, I want you back.

Lost Shores: Dignified anticipation!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rolando.9437


Look above!
A Meh creature!!!
I thought they were extinct due existential numbness.

Lost Shores: Dignified anticipation!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rolando.9437


I feel compelled to coment here because all us happy players should make ourselves be heard also.
Thumbs up!