Fort Aspenwood
Showing Posts For Roquefort.4160:
Fort Aspenwood
Is that fairweathers or did FA had an influx or guilds? Or both? Because whoaaaaaa your OCX crew is stronger than SoS now (and last time, you guys were pretty even or were even weaker in comparison to SoS).
thats the cooperation between our 2 big ocx guilds (uA and NV) and the resurgence of several of our smaller guilds (EPX, GWAM, AVTR). also have meow fighting in late ocx/sea.
good fights so far, enjoying being back where we belong
Fort Aspenwood
to all the SBI playing tonight in OCX. youre doing it wrong.
(its friday, youre all so serious. SO LAME. learn to friday in WvW)
Fort Aspenwood
A few weeks after we were in the mix for gold league – with Mag and SoS (FA was tanking, as we know it).
was gonna read it all until that. the moment anyone in gw2 ever accuses another server of tanking is the moment they show they dont know anything about the mentality of WvW’ers.
we lost to mag, because mag came out strong that week, and our server was in panic mode and couldnt muster the defense needed. you can ask anyone from any server who actually played in that matchup, and they’ll tell you the same thing (but im sure you, the SBI player who wasnt there, knows better).
Fort Aspenwood
I’m so glad FA actively recruits unemployed people and students.
and convicts. We’re like the Australia of GW2
but in all seriousness, i feel bad for SBI’s oceanic. you clearly get ignored by the NA, seeing as there are alot of SBI in here who dont know you exist(“we cant rally more than 10 people past midnight pst”). Ive seen at least 1 float squad of 30 or so players in your OCX. your SEA had a group of about 30 on EB last night too. yall need to get to know your server better and understand that “whilst we’re asleep” actually means, “whilst our foreign players are trying their best but we dont care about them”
p.s. FA looking for ocx/sea to join our loving home
Fort Aspenwood
good fights with Olaf and SUPR from SBI, and NNK/TFV from DB.
tonight has gotta be a highlight of the past 7 weeks for me. Olaf, erry time you ran in, our strategy was “drop everything on ourselves and tank” and you wiped every time haha.
and then NNK/TFV, i honestly have no idea how we beat you in SBI bay. like really, i thought you had us for sure. somehow we just hung on though.
SUPR you have a HUGE aoe punch, but everytime we went against you open field i made sure everyone avoided it. you wiped us in rogues because
a. i mistimed your entrance into the camp hahaha
and b. in that tight little space we couldnt get out of the aoe bomb.
good fights all around! been a fun week!
Fort Aspenwood
props to [Olaf] in oceanic (sea?). you guys roll tight and tanky.
Fort Aspenwood
yeah because its all one sided FA trolling only (and they speak for the entire server too dont forget).
and on the subject of “this is not BP’s playstyle” argument. yes this is true, however, our people still want to wvw so the groups arent going to get smaller. if youre running a 15man guild group, make that the BEST guild group possible, and you will roll through 30man militia blobs with easy. if you all know your role, are smart, dont panic and pay attention (accompanied with good leadership) you will destroy much larger blobs.
anyways, couldnt find fights in oceanic (dyou guys actually have oceanic? a serious question, not just trolling) so left early. hoping for a swift end to the week for everyone
Fort Aspenwood
Fort Aspenwood
1. FA forum warriors are trolls, and you’ve all taken the bait all week. The reason they gave you so much stick about this week was because of how much you talked yourself up. If you hadn’t of done that, they probably wouldn’t have cared (as much).
2. YB at the end of the day, we kept showing up to fight and you didn’t, get over it, you were never going to beat us, lets move on, see you next time.
3. CD, I’m glad to see you continue to turn up to fight all week, and happy to face us on open field. Im also happy to see that you seem to have learned better tactics in open field this week.
All in all, an okay week. Good luck to CD and YB in your next match ups
Fort Aspenwood
YB, what happened to all the talk of how FA was gonna get surprised and stuff. Im disappointed in you.
Tonight you let me put a waypoint in your keep on EB. Then reinforce the walls/gates. Also t3 fortify Veloka and reinforce the other towers.
And hold it all for 5 hours.
Then when you’re taking it back, the waypoint breaks TWICE and we cant port in for an extra minute the first time, and not at all the second time, letting you off easy.
I was expecting more from you this week
Fort Aspenwood
okay so. ive been commanding on FA in EB for the past 8-9 hours and im just gonna jump in here before all the calls of “FA only blobs” start.
there was maybe 5 times that you wiped BECAUSE of my overwhelming numbers.
the other times you would have wiped anyway.
guys you gotta learn to MOVE. commanders, take control, move your zerg.
CD: trying to aoe choke an enemy zerg in open field is not a viable strategy. i will move to the right, and THEN i will hit you. and all of your aoe in a dead straight line will be wasted (there was a fight in the hylek camp where you actually moved, and i ended up in a kitten position and wiped. do more of that)
YB: you guys need to step up your situational awareness hahaha. the number of times i hit you and you didnt even see it coming until i was standing on top of you was terrible. you guys are actually not bad, but its SO easy to get the drop on you haha.
anyways, gg all, been a fun night. both CD and YB do NOT give up do you? the number of callouts back to my home towers were non stop haha
Fort Aspenwood
good luck to all!
CD you drew the bad end of the stick but i do NOT expect you to give up. YB, lets see what you got.
Fort Aspenwood
FA clearly has the coverage down in week 1 to be Gold. The real question is can they sustain it with all of their new blood (the unloyal server transfers – that’s why they transferred afterall – or when the PvErs have completed their WvW achievements)?
not really fair on those guilds to say theyre not loyal unless youre in them. FA didnt spend a dime in sponsoring them across, so they forked out probably 10k+ gold in getting here, which is quite an investment to simply leave again if they were “unloyal.”
and regardless, they seem to be enjoying their new home on FA, we’ve certainly welcomed them aboard and made new friends.
also, DB im happy to see that your presence in WvW in the later half of this week hasnt seemed to dwindle (though unfortunately you were still out coveraged).
SBI i wish you were the same, but your population has fallen and fallen. just because someone puts a waypoint in your borderland doesnt mean you should get demoralised. TC put a waypoint in our hills for the first 5 days of the matchup one week. youre very lucky you didnt end up in Gold because your mentality was absolutely not ready for that.
Fort Aspenwood
whoa whoa whoa guys. i said you have just as many players as us. i didnt say you organised them and got them into WvW and got them to stay there as well as us. where are the numbers you had 2 weeks ago when you rolled us?
this is 1 out of 2 weeks that ill push my guild as hard as i have in WvW, specifically because its sbi that we’re fighting.
so rally up your pve players, get them into WvW because this is the most important week for SBI and FA in silver league. they can relax a little more next week.
p.s. uA will be interested in GvG’s in the coming weeks. im not sure how many of you guys do GvG (dunno how much GvG there was in the lower tiers) but its a way to prove your players skill and teamwork, outside of the zerg/siege/ppt form of WvW you should all get into it
Fort Aspenwood
clearly neither of you are on FA.
we wanted gold league. we went hard in the last week but we couldnt get it.
now our focus is rebuilding in silver league for 7 weeks, training up our pve’ers and taking back our spot in gold.
also, FA will win these leagues, and its not because of superior numbers. SBI and DB you guys have just as many as us. we just have more experience. been fighting t1 servers for months. i dont expect it to be easy, because every silver league server will be aiming at FA and SBI in every matchup.
anyways, good fights with sbi this week. you too DB when i found you, but i was focusing SBI haha. so far im enjoying silver league fights
Fort Aspenwood
To the FA ranger from [Corp] you left before I could invite you to group but wanted to say good fight man, you are one hell of a ranger and you pretty much owned me but if you see this I wanted to see if you could whisper me and give me some build/ideas and some tips?. Name is Sers De Larasoz. Thanks
Tanbin’s getting all the compliments this matchup lololol he has so many new lovers!
What happened to our coverage FA?
i took the night off. also, sick of your negativity.
Fort Aspenwood
good fights in tonights (and last nights) oceanic in SBI BL. even though i tried all night last night, finally got your gari tonight. solid defense of bay and gari though.
Fort Aspenwood
For the people that thought FA was imploding and would for some reason lose to SBI…
It’s still the weekend. Can you keep up the pressure?
15 character limit.
Fort Aspenwood
sounds like he beat you..
Fort Aspenwood