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Zenith Weapon selection bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roxteddy.1839


Hi there. I chose a Greatsword for my mesmer but recieved a Hammer. I am very dissapointed and plan on following these threads until a solution is presented.

Anyone else had problems with Zenith?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roxteddy.1839


I also had the geratsword displayed in my preview window and when I made the purchse i found a piece of poo hammer! I am heartbroken as a mesmer can;t use a hammer and was so looking forward to using a greatsword on the mez boo hooo

picked wrong skin- Account now worthless?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roxteddy.1839


YES! Thank You! I am not alone!

I was playing on my Azura mezmer when I received the reward, I had my mind made before I had even seen the selection window due to the thought of wielding this Greatsword of AWESOME on a mezmer was whatthe Mez was made for! I was so convinced thath I had selected the greatsword I even purchased a decent sword off the AH to give a boost to my lvl 40 Azura Mez. when I finally tried to apply the skin I had to take a few moments to convince myself thath I might have chosen the wrong weapon by accident or was this a bug. I am still unsure as to weather this was my fault or not as the only reason why I doubt it is because I have a very crusty lookking pole in my inventory with no real use on my new lvl 40 Mez.

I do hope there is a happy ending to this story for all of the people that experience this fate as it’s such a silly mistake that anypone can make and if it’s a bug then i hope it gets sorted out so more people don’t experience the disatisfaction I do right now!.

The main reason why this would occur is if you preview the weapons you may overlook which itme is selected when choosing your reward due to the preview window.

I so will never make this mistake again and if it’s a bug please fix it fast!!! cause that make it the most evil bug I have ever heard seen!