Showing Posts For Roy Spector.5781:

Can I learn if item can stack from API?

in API Development

Posted by: Roy Spector.5781

Roy Spector.5781

Just letting you know this is still needed, in case everyone forgot about it.

Players Disapearing and teleporting in wvw

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roy Spector.5781

Roy Spector.5781


Didn’t find it myself, maybe I was searching for the wrong keywords.
At least I tried to explain the bug with detail :)

(edited by Roy Spector.5781)

Players Disapearing and teleporting in wvw

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roy Spector.5781

Roy Spector.5781


I have an annoying bug to report. At least I think, and hope this is just a bug, and not an intended behavior. Also I tried to find it in the forums, and didn’t come across anything related.

In Options -> Graphic Options -> Advanced Settings, there’s an option called “Character Model Limit”.

In its description it says “Nameplates still appear for all characters”, but if I put this option on a low setting, then when characters move further from me something happens:

Their names stay at the same spot, even if they go away, and the names teleport to their new location, only when they come very close to me. As a result of this issue, it is much harder for me to fight in WvW or even big PvE events, as names teleport around me, or become completely invisible. Enemies can get really close to me, kill me, and I don’t even have an indication of them being there.

It seems this isn’t related to any other option, as I’ve put them all on maximum value, and only this option on low, and the issue continues to happen. I would put this value on a higher setting, but it seems in big WvW fights, my game gets FPS dropped if it actually tries to draw the models of everyone. So seeing only the names (even if they aren’t standing near me) would be very useful.

Thanks in advance.