Congratulations ArenaNet in once again nerfing Elementalist.
- The new heal for elementalists sucks and is once again completely outclassed by all other professionals, especially as you would expect the "Warrior (most OP class on game… and getting even stronger).
- Changing the trait lines for elementalists was a big “no no” in my book, because although some of the traits needed to be changed I agree, the vast majority have been nerfed by how many trait points you now need to get to them in that trait line. I appreciate that some have been made more potent, but I don’t want to spend an extra 10 points in the water trait line, just for Water V – Cleansing Wave, because it completely ruins my build. (Just an example)
- Arcane Wave… My god, what an absolute disaster that skill now is. What was once a great skill, keeping elementalist’s safe at close range, by blasting nearby foes quickly, or chaining combo fields together with this to gain perks, can no longer be done, purely because this skill now requires ground targeting. Please change it back, and perhaps just make it so Arcane Blast has an AoE when it lands of like 240 Radius, so that people ACTUALLY have a reason to use that waste of 6 skill-points. Also Arcane Wave cannot even be used underwater anymore due to the ground targeting. Please remove it, or at least make it a toggle-able option for that skill only.
- Staff using elementalists need a serious power buff. Elementalists are easily the weakest class all around, largely outclasses by most of the other classes, probably bar Engineer. I feel staff users especially are not powerful enough to defend themselves, and elementalists as a whole are not tanky enough to defend themselves, while hurling weak fireballs at their foes. I propose not making elementalists tankier, by any stretch; meerly just giving us a bit of a power boost for the staff users. Dagger + Dagger is powerful enough. (THIS DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN NERF IT TO MAKE ELEMENTALISTS EVEN WEAKER THAN EVERYONE ELSE)
Now that I just spent 10 minutes writing that up for it to be completely ignored by ArenaNet, I will say this. Listen to what your PLAYERS and FANS say and take our ideas into consideration. Also please stop reviewing the Warrior… It’s too bloody strong as it is.