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balanced pvp levels.

in PvP

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


  • Population low
  • Broken system, supposedly to be fix in the next patch in a few days. (Don’t hope too much about it yet)

I mean why before game start pvp system don’t switch players to mix their lvl’s.
Cuz i have many friends which dont do pvp’s becouse they wont play with low tam against op team.Thats why “low populatin”

balanced pvp levels.

in PvP

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


now 2nd tournament game in 3 ppl when 2 left .. about that im talking ..

balanced pvp levels.

in PvP

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


Why is Solo arena so unblalanced ? I just played game and my team was lvl 2-16 and their whole team was lvl 46-56 .. and this happend to me in 70% of games. I know its not only about pvp lvl but ppl on higher lvl know what to do.. and yea im angry about that.
Why before game start just dotn balance team?

game crashes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


so any advices or taht guy have right ? …

game crashes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


can anyone help me ?

game crashes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


I know on forum is amny topics about “c0000005 error” and i tryed everithing to fix it include reinstal my system to another but its keep crashing.
ill be so happy if someone can help me cuz its rly anoying and i wanna play w/o crashing

ty for ANY advices how to fix it.

here is my error log:


Random game crashes.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


and another error now.

Random game crashes.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


i have problem last 2 days with random game crashes .. its crash once in 10mins or once in hour but its anoying.
so if someone can help me ill be happy.
here is log.

WvWvW gate bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RuDyy.1237


Hi i just want report bug which happend to me and my friend today.
We attacking one tower in our map and when we hit the gate whole our attack was only “Miss” and my warrior friend did spell on that gate exactly “whirlwind attack” and he was teleported in to the casstle and i tryed do the “Infiltrators arrow” as thief to te gate and i was teleported too in to the castle.So i dont know what to do now becouse ppls before gate call us cheaters but it was jsut stupid bug and i wont get banned for pls fix it.

ty for ur help.

Fade into Darkness & Licthors Soul