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Distracting daggers is....distracting.

in Thief

Posted by: Rueven.9016


This is my first time posting. I do not like the glowing daggers floating around my fore-arm while the distracting daggers skill is equipped. I want my thief to be sneaky, and I can’t imagine a thief running around with glowing bits surrounding them all the time.

I get that there may be some game play reasons that this was done. It’s an “on character” representation of how many daggers you have available. I get it, but I honestly don’t care about that as much as I care that it draws my eyes too much to my characters fore-arm. It’s distracting

As for the distraction, I could negate it a bit by equipping glowy armor on this character. However, I do not want to do this. That would make this worse.

That skill is one of the principal skills I use to tackle break bars. I know there are other ways, but they are less reliable. However, the entire time I have this skill equipped, I am thinking to myself how much it annoys me.

I have other characters that glow. Please do not encroach upon my thief’s non-glowy theme.

Please either remove this distracting animation, or diminish it’s visibility and prominence.

I know some will disagree. Feel free to voice your opinions. I just wanted to give it my 2 cents.

PS. This is not a judgement against the artist that made the asset. It looks wonderful. I just don’t agree that it is a good fit for sneaky thief guy.

(edited by Rueven.9016)