Showing Posts For Rush.6482:

Am I suspended or am I permanently banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rush.6482


no worries, I had the same message when I was banned. It is indeed simply the broken link to the rules of conduct, the terms of services and other links. The time remaining above is what matters

Rumor Mill: Regarding "hacked" accounts, ArenaNet & personal security

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rush.6482


The account isn’t really with the company or with the players. Computerized programs such as bots can easily spam logins continuoustly for hours non end trying the most popular/most common user names. Alot of players use the same username for more then one game, which also means its much easier to find with a bot then if you switch it from time to time. Even changing or adding 1 letter/number to your username/password will decrease your chances of getting hacked. Hackers tend to simply steal your account, not for goods but to advertise a website.

I’m not saying everyone who got hacked and gets hacked uses easy to figure out account names, i’m just saying its probably bots that are spamming usernames and passwords non stop 24hours a day gaining access to hundreds of new accounts daily.

“I simply locked my account to my IP, it tells me the location, the IP, the time of whoever attempts to log on to my account. Therefor even if figured out, cannot be entered unless I approve”.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rush.6482


Yeah i’m just wondering how they are going about banning players.. It almost seems automated. I’m reading 3/4 of banned posts and they seem odd. Probably a bot streaming through reports banning using key words in certain contexts..

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rush.6482


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”
I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

Ralsti, i feel you bro! im feeling the same here! well i have a worst one, mine is permanent ban! Goodness -.-

Almost makes me wish we had to pay to play. Then at least they could afford a decent customer service team. If people are getting banned for simply saying a world boss is a B* in map chat and others are getting banned for really doing nothing, this game is going to fail harder then Diablo 3.

Im banned aswell for Inappropriate language, 72 hours.. Guess I must’ve said a bad word in map chat when a 13year old was playing with profanity filter off. Wait, why do we even have the option to turn it on or off if we get banned for apparently “Offending someone indirectly”.

Simply confused

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rush.6482


Okay, as stated in the topic title, I am confused on how your rules of conduct work. I have been banned 48 hours ago for “Inappropriate language”. I will list the areas that are vague to the rules of conduct which I find are being bent in order to drop the banhammer on players who didn’t really intend on doing anything bad(that relate to my ban). Also, I would like to know exactly what I have said, how I said it, “The full conversation that involves my ban, the player that reported me and was he/she involved in my conversation?”.
Rule #1:
1.abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

(Okay so basically if someone says, USA sucks, then clearly we can report and get this guy a 72 hour ban?.. This makes no sense. Let’s get realistic, every 12 year old will report someone for useless trash simply because they get offended by anything, or simply because they hate the other player. It’s easy to force a player into trashing then getting them banned).

May I suggest that the player reporting the other player is also eligible to being banned for the same period as the player he reported if he/she was involved in the context of the conversation which caused trash talk? And also would like to receive an email with the chat log of what I have said to have deserved this ban. Maybe even have it posted on the forum. I would like an example of inappropriate language. I am confused because there is the option to turn on/off profanity, and if a player is offended by foul language, turning the option on is easier then crying and removing access to someone else from playing the game. Also, why is there a mute option in game when you can simply ban a player if he annoys you?

That’s all for now.. Thank you for your time I suppose.

To get my chat log posted here is my game name that I have been playing with at the time of the ban.
Sylvest(e). "I am not even sure of my ingame name, i don’t even play that much.

(edited by Rush.6482)