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Viable weapons with low level dungeons?

in Guardian

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


Yeah I feel myself want to looking up one of those recount apps people used to use in WoW to track their DPS, but I doubt there are any, and even if there were I’m not worried about my DPS. I’ve noticed a few instances where I clearly did help rally the team a bit with Hold The Line, but otherwise it’s difficult to discern exactly how I’m contributing. I try and focus on getting out Symbol of Prot everytime it’s up, and when I notice someone getting zerged or getting low on health I usually run over to them and throw up a shield and start fighting with them, that way once my mace-chain finishes it’ll give ‘em some support. As soon as someone’s down I jump on them, even if it means I’ll probably go down too. Still really feels like my contributions go unnoticed or unneeded. Oh well.

One of the biggest problems I had was when I got into a group that had 4 guardians and a mesmer. I really didn’t know if I even needed to bother using my mace/focus or staff, and when I switched out for a GS and different utilities not much changed. Once we ran into trouble patches I switched back to my mace/focus and we got through it, though it didn’t seem to be easier. I felt we survived a bit longer, but that could’ve just been us all working together. Which I suppose is what makes this game great. No one person can really make or break the team, we all have to be on our game in order to succeed.

Perhaps in later levels I’ll be more useful, for now I find dungeons enjoyable enough. I might try all the AC paths with my guild then go back to hearts until I unlock the next dungeon, and repeat the trend.

Viable weapons with low level dungeons?

in Guardian

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


Just did AC Story for the second time, and did a run through of the scepter path of EXP mode. I felt like perhaps I was a little underwhelming in terms of support. I don’t know I just didn’t feel like I was making a difference. During the story run I was running 0/5/10/10/0 with Resolute Healer and Strength in Numbers with a mace/focus. I felt I did alright, though I did die a lot more than the first time I did story mode. But to be fair my group was having many difficulties. We had a ranger, 2 necro’s a warrior and me, so perhaps group composition contributed to that, but we got through it alright. I felt I did have a lot more survivability then my first run where I died almost instantly when getting in close. This time I was able to keep my self going long enough to actually catch on to some of the enemies attack animations, allowing me to dodge more effectively.

The third time I went through AC, on exp mode, I tried out Staff and Scepter/Focus. I can’t remember the group comp but I believe we had 2 other guardians plus myself, so three guardians total. I believe there was also a necro and a warrior. Not much to comment on this time, it was relatively straightforward and easy beside some minor hiccups where my own inexperience was to blame, but overall pretty smooth. Though boring as hell. I guess maybe scepter isn’t for me? I don’t feel like I was doing much of anything with it, support or dps wise. I liked the staffs auto attack to mow down large amounts of mobs at one time, and Empower and LoW was fun, but overall a little underwhelming.

I’ll be trying it a couple more times, maybe try running Mace/Focus and Staff, but I was wondering if anyone had any comments on why I would feel so underwhelmed. I think it’s a combination of my low level and inexperience, but perhaps there’s more I could capitalize on adjust right now to slightly improve my performance.

Looking for a specific profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


I’ve been running a Guardian for about four or five hours and I’m loving it. I feel indestructible, even when I went into sPvP. I had no idea what I was doing but I was still able to keep myself alive and even take a couple people down. Definitely going to make this my main, thanks for the help everyone. I actually don’t mind the slow speed of the hammer and greatsword either, maybe because I’m taking mobs out in very few hits making the fights go much quicker. I usually have some trouble fighting off large mobs at a time on other characters, save for the Warrior of course haha, but I actually got into a bit of a metaphorical pickle with some higher leveled mobs and was able to come out of it alive. Albeit I didn’t kill all them, I took a few down, got downed, rallied, then escaped with some surprising finesse.

Hopefully with some time I’ll be able to learn the class some more. Anyone have some good trait specs I could try out? For sPvP, PvE, WvW, anything really.

Looking for a specific profession.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


I’ve messed around a bit with all the classes but I’m having a difficult time deciding what one to go with. I want to be an asset in dungeons, and I really like the idea of being able to support my teammates a lot and not just be the guy tearing through the mobs. Though I don’t want to be JUST supporting my team either. I hate the feeling that I’m just providing support because I’m lackluster combat wise. I suppose you could I say I want to be more damage based than support based, but I want the support to be there too, and matter.

I’ve heard Guardians are really popular in dungeons because they’re great at support and keeping everyone alive, I’ve yet to see anyone say anything about them being very good at actually tearing through enemies though. It seems they’re more support-oriented then damage. Like I said I don’t want to feel lackluster when it comes to chewing through the enemies. I wanna hit fast, and strong, (literally, I’d prefer a class that’s not sitting there sluggishly battering away at enemies, but meh) but not be a one-trick pony.

Why the low FPS with 7870?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


Thanks for the replies everyone, the main problem is that I’ve already got an inexpensive mobo which is really going to limit my OC-ability. I suppose I could get the 3570k, then upgrade the mobo again and just accept the fact I wasted money on a cheaper mobo, but I’m still not convinced it’s worth it. So far this is the only game I’ve ran into any problems with FPS wise, even with my crappy Celeron CPU. Maybe that’s because I’m not playing things like Farcry3 and Crysis atm, but tbh those aren’t really my type of games anyway.


Why the low FPS with 7870?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


I don’t really want to OC, that’s why I’ve decided to go with the 3470. Aren’t they relatively the same except for their overclock ability?

Why the low FPS with 7870?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


I am planning to upgrade it to an i5-3470 within the next couple of days, will that provide sufficent performance?

Why the low FPS with 7870?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


Here’s my system specs, is there any reason I’m not able to get high FPS even with the lowest settings? It’s certainly playable, but if everything is turned down to the lowest possible setting I feel I should be able to exceed 60 fps, which at the moment is proving to be quite challenging.

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 64-bit
Intel Celeron G550 @ 2.60GHz 67 °C
Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology
4.00 GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 533MHz (8-8-8-20)
MSI H61M-P31/W8 (MS-7788) (SOCKET 0) 28 °C
S220HQL (1920×1080@60Hz)
AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
Hard Drives
466GB FUJITSU MJA2500BH G2 ATA Device (SATA) 47 °C
466GB Hitachi HDS721050CLA360 ATA Device (SATA) 47 °C
Optical Drives
Microsoft Virtual DVD-ROM
AMD High Definition Audio Device

Fun, fast class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


I’ve been messing around with some classes trying to get a feel for a class that is really agile and fast. I like the whole lightning whip thing with the Ele but I felt it was a little too slow for me. I LOVE the ranger with the sword. I think I might make that my primary character, but I was wondering if there were any other classes that may have faster or similar playstyles to a ranger with a sword. Just looking for something really fast and jumpy around and stuff.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


To be honest I think I’ve decided that I want something simple that’s easy to get into both PvE and wPvP while not being too “Typical,” like a heavily clad warrior. Mesmer seems awesome, but it sounds complicated, as do Elementalists. Necro sounds a lot like a Warlock from WoW, and I hated the whole DoT thing in WoW. I felt so useless and was always bored just throwing around my spells in the back. Ranger sounds pretty simple, so I’m a little afraid of getting into it and it being very repetitive. Guardians don’t sound too bad, but they feel too similiar to a generic Warrior to me. I could just not be exploring the class enough though. Thieves sound too squishy and reliant on dodging for me. I kind of suck so :P.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


Hey, any feedback is helpful in my opinion. Thanks for replying! I’m enjoying the Warrior quite a bit, muchly due to how muh easier it is than when I played a Necro. I feel as if I want to do something else though. I’ve never been too fond of melee combat. I’ve heard the Elementalist can summon elemental weapons, which sounds pretty cool. So perhaps I’ll try that next.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


You’re quite right, but you also gave my exactly what I was looking for; personal experiences. I think listening to other’s personal experiences with the classes, perhaps at higher levels, would help me choose.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


So I’ve messed around with all the class now, but I’ve only ever gotten one character to 11 and that was my Sylvari Necro. Now perahps I’m just not investing in any of the classes to truly get a good feel for them, but at this point in time I’ve no idea what profession I want to be.

I’m pretty set on Sylvari. If not them, then I’d roll Charr. I’m lightly interested in the rest, my main problem is choosing a Profession I’ll enjoy. I’ve read around and found out that minions kinda suck when it comes to Necro, so I’m shying away from that profession a lot now since that’s the main reason I found it cool. I kind of dislike the rest of the mechanics and don’t like playing it very much now.

So I was just wondering if anyone could help me pick a class. I seem to like playing the Engineer a lot, the guns were pretty cool. But I also like the idea of maybe being a Warrior or Guardian. I had lots of trouble with an Elementalist, but Lightning magic, or Air I suppose it’s called, seemed really awesome. The Ranger seemed pretty cool too, I liked the fast paced shooting my toon did with his bow, but I found the weapon skills to be a little boring otherwise. Thief’s seem to combine the fast-paced action of my ranger experience with a warrior, which was pretty cool. Though I don’t know why but I just seem to dislike the idea of playing a Thief. Mesmer’s seemed very interesting too, though I found the experience to be a bit underwhelming. The clones were only around for a bit and they didn’t really “feel” useful if you know what I mean.

I just don’t know. What should I play?