Showing Posts For Ryan.4786:
I posted two orders for 5.6g. The first one sold and the second one is still up there. (Posted 5 min apart).
I guess gw2spidy and gw2tp were offset enough that one caught that 245g price while the other didn’t.;0wE-v-n2wD;9;29E;3TJJ;447A36-56-U;07a;1jwmAjwmA9cv
Elite choice is dependent upon what map you are playing, your team, and personal preference. Rampage as one gives you significantly more killing power. Nature Spirit gives you the team res and some more Hp/S.
-Rampage as One for lots of 1v1s and for a good tanky team. (Temple, Forest, Skyhammer, Spirit Watch, Khylo because spirit pathing is bad @ mid)
-Nature Spirit if you are playing midpoint a lot. (Foefire, Forest, Temple)
Most everything with the build is self explanatory and exceptionally simple. There are a few specific things I want to mention that Rangers SHOULD do, which I rarely see happen.
Torch #5 will combo well with sword #2 AND shortbow 3, 4, and 5. You want PERMANENT burning (6 stack bleed effectively).
In combination with short bow 4, lynx f1 is 6 stacks of bleed. Please time it, don’t use it right before their condi wipe or right before a ranger ticks empatic bond.
Combo through healing spring with sword #2.
Time your short bow 5 to something useful. Wait for someone trying to stomp, res, heal, or something before you fire it off.
Geomacy sigil is brought on sword/torch for added damage. No need for energy sigil because you will have an evade ready the moment you swap in sword #2 and sword #3. Geomancy will provide a good spike of 3 bleed stacks. Swap when you need to apply burn or evade under immobilize. (In melee)
Energy sigil is brought on short bow because you need to be in this set as long as possible for max dps (#4). You only have one evade skill so your endurance needs to be ready for the deluge of CC coming at you 24/7. Don’t waste endurance for mobility. Use it to negate damage.
Use spirit actives smartly. Try to blind stomp with sun and to cripple melee with stone.
A variant you can consider for some mega condi heavy teams:
Adventure runes (+Power +Condi +Endurance)
Carrion Amulet with Rabid Jewel (No toughness for Undead Rune #6)
Swap Signet for Muddy Terrain or Signet of Renewal
It seems that a few hours ago every single cleric’s pearl carver was bought off the TP. I listed one for 5g, which sold so I looked up it up on Spidy. Then I see a listing for 245g which is gone now.
Aside from laundering money I don’t really see what the reason for this is. I posted a screenshot of gw2spidy for those graph lovers.
I bought twenty five thousand chests for my guild vault. 10g worth of speculation.
All because of that datamined “rusty chest” string.
Best troll was when some guy sent anet a “get well soon” package with cookies.
Said something like, “We know you haven’t been working on rangers because you are sick, we hope you get well soon.”