Showing Posts For Rygaros.6091:
All right, so it has different stats each time the vendor spawns? (Were does the vendor spawn exactly?)
Then it would be easier to just farm up the gear from dungeons instead? Think Ascalonian Catacombs have the vit+toughness stats. And then if you want the look of Aurora just buy it and use the skin if you like.
Am I correct here?
I’ve heard theres a vendor selling Heave Aurora armor for karma wich has the stats with toughness and vitality. Were can I find this vendor?
I’ve did some googeling but didnt find anything useful
Two are saying its working and one not…well, gonna try it tonight and lets see whos right
Come to think of one thing. Can you form the party as usual(/invite: player name)or is it different across servers?
Yeah that really answered my question. It was dungeons I had in my mind so thats sweet
Was wondering if its possible to play with friends PvE, dungeons for example, if were on two different Europe servers?
I’ve did a search but didn’t come up with an absolute answer.
Can monthly be completed without participate in this weekends event? I wont be able to play so it’s kinda sucky if I cant get it done due to that.
Appriciate if someone knows for sure.
uncontested in elona reach!
Ty alot!
Man I’m tired of all these people crying about how “tough” it is to aquire a legendary. I bet as well that it’s mostly younger age people who do it as well and your the ones that has more time play than us adult actually got a fulltime job.
333 hours of grinding for getting a LEGENDARY,(yes dude, LEGENDARY,) aint not much at all. Or maybe you want it to be common? Maybe you want to enter a dungeon and the hole group runs around with a Legendary(oh sorry, I ment common)
Can you all people who complains about the gathering for legendary please stop and whine. Or maybe you should start play WoW instead.
Hm, I wonder how many angry kids responses I will get from this thread…
Lets hope for more underwaterbattles now, shall we;)
Is there a way to see if a server has an uncontested temple before you move to that server?
Can you message people ingame on that server or someting? Or do you have to see a topic here on the exact hour?
thank you soo much for sharing this very important news for us.
If you were ironic here, then get some info before you post such stupid thread. The event is buged on alot of servers and the npc that spawns at end of the event sells one item that are needed for the legendaries. So this is important news for alot of people.
If you werent ironic, ignore what I just said.
Anet, dont fall into the same thing as NCSoft did with AION. After some time they drasticly increased the droprate of everything ruined the game. It mostly only satisfies the younger crowd. But for us who really want a challenge and struggle to get things, it’s like a facepalm. A legendary should ne a weapon you dont see that often and is hard to obtain. The game have only been out 2 months and you allready wanna make it easier to get??