Showing Posts For S U P E R B O B.3148:

Can we get capes or something?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: S U P E R B O B.3148

S U P E R B O B.3148

I don’t see a problem with capes myself, if you want to wear them fine if you don’t it’s your choice there are plenty of diverse items to choose from.. it would help add to extra diversity among players. There are all kinds of clipping with armor and even world props such as some merchant tents .. boots that clip legs and feet for that matter.. tier 3 human armor is very cape like and clips.. big deal, it’s pretty awesome.. It’s my opinion that people shouldn’t be so rude about other people wanting to see other things implemented into the game because it’s just not their preference. Constructive criticism can be given without sarcasm and rude comments..