Showing Posts For S h a u n.7691:
I just so happened to enter a DH Channel in ts during a discussion about switching out of the server from the point of view of a WvW guild who’s angry because even though the Darkhaven server is full but yet the WvW aspect of it for [US] atleast is kitten -near empty.
Now, there are a few reasons brought up on why the good ol’ wvw scene died on DH
One had todo with a famous streamer who joined the server bringing along a army of followers and with that came the max capacity server and sure enough the streamer went back to where he came from leaving the Darkhaven server not only filled with players, but filled with ghost players.. – From what is understood there is no sort of once an account goes inactive for a certain period of time it gets removed from the server and has to re-join it type of certain.. which i could see that because i took a 6-8 month break before coming back and i was still on Darkhaven’s server which didnt mean much to me at that point because i was still rather new to the game.Another was just that people from Darkhaven are not interested in the World Vs World scene, which i personally have a agree/disagree attitude toward.. anyway point of the post, shouldn’t A-Net be looking into improving the WvW scene for all servers like-wise now-surely some servers just dont contain people who enjoy WvW but on the other-hand if DarkHaven and maybe some other servers are filled with players who are not playing that takes away from DH gathering new soldiers for the WvW army.
thoughts / opinions?
OP where were you when I suggested they switch from the Server vs Server system into an Faction vs Faction system, and people on the forum were bashing me?
That idea could have solved all your problems. You would have a Faction made up of many servers in one, to fight against other factions..
Well due to player count, thats usually what it is one very large guild fighting another very large guild. Which me personally i like that concept, but then.that would bring guilds to the “lets mass-recruit bodies who can move in the same direction and spam 1” for wins.
Dont get me wrong DH can hold its own just alittle with what its got, which right now is just a strong latenight EST zerg, other timezones we are “kittens” if you catch My drift. Like the commanders we have are pretty strong, but the playerbase is just Not there.
It’s one of the servers with a large pve population and probably a large inactive population as well so that’s where the full status is coming from.
Did DH have a mass exodus? Because it’s in T4 and a server wouldn’t be in T4 if it was dead.
I just so happened to enter a DH Channel in ts during a discussion about switching out of the server from the point of view of a WvW guild who’s angry because even though the Darkhaven server is full but yet the WvW aspect of it for [US] atleast is kitten -near empty.
Now, there are a few reasons brought up on why the good ol’ wvw scene died on DH
One had todo with a famous streamer who joined the server bringing along a army of followers and with that came the max capacity server and sure enough the streamer went back to where he came from leaving the Darkhaven server not only filled with players, but filled with ghost players.. – From what is understood there is no sort of once an account goes inactive for a certain period of time it gets removed from the server and has to re-join it type of certain.. which i could see that because i took a 6-8 month break before coming back and i was still on Darkhaven’s server which didnt mean much to me at that point because i was still rather new to the game.
Another was just that people from Darkhaven are not interested in the World Vs World scene, which i personally have a agree/disagree attitude toward.. anyway point of the post, shouldn’t A-Net be looking into improving the WvW scene for all servers like-wise now-surely some servers just dont contain people who enjoy WvW but on the other-hand if DarkHaven and maybe some other servers are filled with players who are not playing that takes away from DH gathering new soldiers for the WvW army.
thoughts / opinions?
In-search of a Necro/Ranger who enjoys roaming on DarkHaven server and knows how to play their class very well for my roaming guild, we already have a very very solid Guardian (Myself), a great thief/engi, another engi and amazing mesmer.. respond below if you think your my guy..
P.S. if your interested and you play other classes other-than what is on the Topic, feel free to PM me in-game or comment on the topic..
PM in-game is more than likely the fastest response.
Hey Liz
Me and my friends have started a guild on DarkHaven (a solidly active server for WVW during the NA timezone) are looking for mature members who love the WvW scene and want to have laughs and just enjoy playing the game how it should be.. We have a personally owned Teamspeak that is used for many games mainly guild wars 2 and gta v. We would love to invite you and your husband with warm and open arms
Pm me if you guys are interested
- CrZ^
Add me in-game and we can talk when you have a chance, you seem friendly and out-going.. I’d love to have you in my guild
Add me in-game and PM Me, I would like to talk to you about a guild I’m starting
I’m going to make it short and sweet and if any questions arise I will be glad to answer them.
Me and two friends founded a guild [APEX] New Age Assassins, which we have intended to make a Roaming Guild of deadly WvW fanatics.
The idea is to get together a group of people in a organized manner who know how to play their class well and are beneficial to other members of their group when it comes down to the fighting, now with that being said it will be said that we do what we do to have fun and that this is a game and we are making it competitive please respect it as such.
Are you alittle unexperienced in WvW and still trying to get yourself together? Don’t even worry, we are willing to help out newer players if they have the intent to later on join in the carnage that is our roaming.
Have any other questions, feel free to PM or Post on thread..
Thanks for reading!
- CrZ
(edited by S h a u n.7691)