Showing Posts For SALENIA.6807:

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


…and perhaps with fewer players on their level 8 alts (come on… at least level 30), we would soundly defeat Blackgate. Look how close it’s been even while dealing with intangibles such as low level characters, time coverage issues and relatively little organization!

I find myself to be an “emo-optimist,” and that’s a terrible combination… simultaneously having very high hopes and aspirations and yet judicious and dismayed. It does tend to cause an outburst of confused, if not misplaced, frustration from time to time.

Who are you Sir? The people you are referring to in your ridiculous rambling are a SOLID reason why SoR is in Tier 2 to begin with. Im sure at one point you and your zerg buddies have looked at the map and seen Bavragor leading many people and taking a lot of objectives. He has done his part and a lot more. Thanks for playing!

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

10/19 Sanctum of Rall vs Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


WoW SoS! You guys are one tough customer! Keeping us on our toes like crazy. I’ve lost a lot of sleep the last 48 hours WvWing like crazy and you guys are like killer bees. And this portal bombing you guys are doing. We expect it on SoR now, but man does it throw a monkey wrench into everything we are trying to do! May the best server pull through in the next 24 hours.


Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

10/19 Sanctum of Rall vs Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


Good job SoS with the Orb in Ascenion Bay. Killed them but they glitched it. Stay classy……… Hopefully you guys were able to report their names as I was unable to get a Screen shot of them.

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


A score update. As of 1030 AM EST.


Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


@Koopatroopa. Are you high? SoR has come in first for 3 weeks straight now……

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


@ Falcon
Well, of course you guys arent going to que up when your getting smashed…..My point is don’t call victory after less than 24 hours into the match.

Make all the excuses about numbers you want. I have no idea how many guilds jumped off of your server that werent there on Friday and Saturday. But, unfortunately for you. That’s not SoR’s problem!

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


Looks like you guys have packed up your lawn chairs and left the stadium. That is the difference. When Yaks was talking all that smack after Friday night/Daturday morning and telling SoR and GoM to duke it out for second, it just added more fuel to a fire that didn’t need it. A lot off people took Friday off to recoup from the amazing week we had. About Noon on Saturday was the beginning of Yaks unraveling. We are dedicated and coordinated. SoR is in it to win it.


Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


“As to the orb hacking, it’s pretty discouraging to hear people suggest Yak’s condones this as a server and coordinates attacks around an attempted hack.”

Although we are sure you did not condone the Orb hacking (you have provided proof that you didn’t). You definitely used the Orb distraction to attack Garrison. It is currently a lovely shade of Blue so we aren’t too upset. But, there is no denying the Orb hack distraction is the only reason you took it last night. We were scouting and preparing to destroy your Golem Siege. The Orb growing wings made us all flow the opposite direction.

Kudos for allowing us to take the orb back tho. That was class all around.

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


@Worban. SoR never backs down from a challenge. But, if DH has gotten rid of all their Orb hackers, then we welcome fighting you guys again! GoM just doesn’t seem to have the numbers to keep up with us (or Yaks). NSP and DH gave us a run for our money the last two weeks. But SoR has some seriously dedicated WvW guilds that coordinate well together. This week isn’t over yet but I like our chances.

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


Current score as of 10:45 ET.

This is what SoR can do when told it should sit in a corner and fight for second place……….Completely erased a 22K Point advantage.


Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


Im not currently in game. Ill apologize for my server Steam rolling you right now though. They are all a bit angry. Especially since we get accused of hacking all the time and not one FRAPS or attachment has ever been provided to prove those claims.

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


Looks like YB is allowing us to take the orb back.
ET. Can’t get mad at SoR for killing a YB invader….we just witnessed our Orb get hacked and saw red…literally!

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


Thank you for your honesty ET but I would remove that persons name from your post. Putting someones information out there can get you banned on the forums.
We knew you guys had Siege golems prepped as we had scouts up there when our altar suddenly went down and the orb grew wings…. We were ready for your siege as we crushed one a few hours before.

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: SALENIA.6807


Our Guild just witnessed a YAKS member Hack the Orb in YAKS BL that is owned by SoR. We have it FRAPSed and reported the name. User ID and all. We also find it very convinient that your entire server coordinated an attack with Siege Golems as it happened. This event is beyond ONE individual. It was a coordinated exploit/attack and proof will be provided.

You can’t believe SoR was coming back as strong as we are that you had to hack. Tsk Tsk Yaks….prepare to be crushed…..

/Signed SoR.

Rheago (Ranger) ~ Bloodninja (Thief)
[CoR] ~ Sanctum of Rall