Showing Posts For Saffron.5681:

Human Female Battle Sounds, Specifically Guardian w/ Greatsword

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saffron.5681


Yeah, as a female asura I get male asura, female human/norn etc sounds when I use buffs and such.

It isn’t too game breaking for me, but this has been happening for me since headstart.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saffron.5681


Some people posted about item rewards but this is a non-issue because it’s foolish to hear someone say they would remake an entire character for a few silver and armors. Focus on restoring the players sense of indulgence in the story and ignore the players demanding rewards if it hampers the process of reverting the old instance.

Who says you need to revert to an old instance to receive exp or item rewards/some form of compensation? They already stated it would introduce too many issues and new bugs to revert story instances for people.

Not everyone is being demanding in the thread, so don’t backhand people who are simply expressing what they’re dissatisfied with.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saffron.5681


I got the same ticket response.

Group composition:
At the time, we were both roughly level 30, my guesses
Asura Engineer – Level 31
Asura Mesmer – Level 33

Story choices for each character in the group:

Both completed Stealing Secrets, had both gone with Order of Whispers

Who owned the Kellach’s Attack instance (which character created the instance in which others joined)?:

Different instance name, but it was the Mesmer (boyfriend) who started it.

Which characters progressed on to the Level 48 quest?
Engineer (myself)

For those who did not progress on to the Level 48 quest, what quest were they directed to instead?

Suspicious Activity.

Like most people, the quest change occurred after I zoned into Lion’s Arch. We had just finished a step of the quest for which I had received no reward.

I’m mostly butthurt about the lack of rewards and experience, boyfriend got a back piece in the reward screen I didn’t get. Personal story provides useful exp and items, and if I could just get some compensation for that I’d be happy. I got to experience the quest line anyway.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saffron.5681


I just finished the lvl 30 mission Stealing Secrets, and it jumped to a lvl 48 mission called Suspicious Activity. I’m trying to do this with my boyfriend, and we went through with the mission (since it was fine on his) but it didn’t allow me to advance. I hope this gets fixed, because I’d like to continue.

This is my identical situation. I can’t get quest rewards either for each completed step (as it’s no longer on my storyline, but it is on my boyfriends).

Character name is Saff.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Saffron.5681


I cannot buy anything. I can see the trading post, but there is no visual depress on the Buy button (if there’s any to begin with). I’ve waited, then I’ve checked my money to see if the purchase went through without notification and nothing. It does not respond to me or have any affect.

I’m not too bothered, but I’d like to know why this is happening as no-one in map chat was helpful whatsoever. It’s been doing this ever since trading post came up for me (1 day ago)