Showing Posts For Safire.1965:

New permanent and more rewarding content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.1965


Played diligently since release, but I’m more and more bored every time I log in.

Played WvW until I was sick of it. Same ol’ same ol’ every time. Zergzergzergzergzergblech.

PvP in this game just doesn’t do it for me. The implementation may be great for some, but for me it’s just a sloooow process, and gaddang I’m tired of point-defense. I’ll get my 3 matches for the daily now and then, that’s about it.

Fractals? I don’t always have 1~2 hours to devote to a sitting. This would be where I put my attention on those rare occasions, but then it’s super repetitive and has such low rewards per time spent.

So that leaves Living Story. I log in every two weeks, check out what the deal is, and binge until I barf, which takes very little time. I haven’t wanted an LS reward since those two wings backpieces (minis, c’mon, fer real), and the minigames – while fun for a minute – don’t seem to hold my attention. As far as the actual content goes? Meh.

So much seems disappointing to me.

WvW looks like it should be awesome, but somehow it’s built in a not-awesome way.
PvP just makes me meh every time. And living story is a nice thought, but the storytelling in this game just isn’t good (we all know that), and the content is just so weak most of the time.

You know what I really want? You know what loot of gw2 players really want?

An expansion.

But Anet doing their sorry to say, stupid limited time Living Story… they didnt really listen to players, and thats mistake…

(edited by Safire.1965)

Permanent, more rewarding content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safire.1965


Played diligently since release, but I’m more and more bored every time I log in.

Played WvW until I was sick of it. Same ol’ same ol’ every time. Zergzergzergzergzergblech.

PvP in this game just doesn’t do it for me. The implementation may be great for some, but for me it’s just a sloooow process, and gaddang I’m tired of point-defense. I’ll get my 3 matches for the daily now and then, that’s about it.

Fractals? I don’t always have 1~2 hours to devote to a sitting. This would be where I put my attention on those rare occasions, but then it’s super repetitive and has such low rewards per time spent.

So that leaves Living Story. I log in every two weeks, check out what the deal is, and binge until I barf, which takes very little time. I haven’t wanted an LS reward since those two wings backpieces (minis, c’mon, fer real), and the minigames – while fun for a minute – don’t seem to hold my attention. As far as the actual content goes? Meh.

So much seems disappointing to me.

WvW looks like it should be awesome, but somehow it’s built in a not-awesome way.
PvP just makes me meh every time. And living story is a nice thought, but the storytelling in this game just isn’t good (we all know that), and the content is just so weak most of the time.

You know what I really want? You know what loot of gw2 players really want?

An expansion.

But Anet doing their sorry to say, stupid limited time Living Story… they didnt really listen to players, and thats mistake…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safire.1965


Yes, in last time, i think that gw2 was just overhyped…


in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.1965


there isnt much space for all houses in world…