Showing Posts For Saika.8495:

Will I get banned for this?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


Borderlands jumping puzzle, the keys for some of my characters doesn’t seem to get used up when I open the vault, I’m not sure if this was changed recently or it’s a bug.
I still do the whole puzzle even with the unused keys so I’m still playing it the way it’s intended.

I ask this question because I don’t want Anet to use this as an excuse to ban me AGAIN. I have already been banned on THIS account twice in the past for botting and some other things, all were in error.

Please don’t tell me to refrain from doing the jumping puzzle because it’s one of the few things that I do in this game daily, but If that’s what it takes to avoid a ban then I will have to comply. I’ve been a “law” abiding player most of my life and it’s things like this has affected my enjoyment of this game. I quit doing my favorite dungeon CoE because people doing it always want to do 3 in 1 runs, something that should have been fixed a long time ago. Now when I join some parties they kick me out because they remember me as the player who refuse to exploit and do a 3 in 1 run.

I have dual… quadruple boxed accounts before in the past, using 4 different computers but stopped doing it because it seems that I have to be actively playing those accounts. No, I’m not using any programs to control them all at the same time, I’m merely using them as spotters for world events, pen/shelter etc.

Other thing’s I had to give up was using my old gaming keyboards that have macro functionality to avoid getting a false detection from whatever anti botting/third party program you guys at anet have been using to catch cheaters. I have avoided areas where I have spotted bots because I think a Dev/mod or whoever said in the past to avoid botting hot spots (or something like that, it’s been a long time since I read that post so correct me if I’m wrong) with the fear of getting carpet banned along with the bots.

Sure I don’t have to fear anything if I’m not doing anything wrong, but having the experience of getting banned in the past and waiting 5 days before my account was reinstated was just pure mental torture, people has even labeled me as a botter who’s lying. I think as a player who has supported your company through game sales, and gem purchases (and I’m not just talking hundreds of dollars, you can check the gems loaded on the account) deserve at least peaceful game experience without the fear of getting wrongfully banned.

(edited by Saika.8495)

Ban counter

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


Yep, game kicked me out when i had just “dinged” level 80 in cursed shore. Was all ready to celebrate when wham, bam, thank ya arenanet – kicked out and received the same bot error as everyone here. Funny thing is that I have been reading these forums to keep busy for the last 2 days after i created my ticket on Friday at 12:00am, and the amount of people that say that we are all probably botters, disturbs me. I really, really hope that those people (saying we are all bots) get falsely banned as well so that they can waste their time reading the forums, waiting for an email, and not having the enjoyment of playing a game that We payed for. This game is so easy to level up in and make relatively ok gold that I am not sure why anyone would need a program to level up their characters for them, that’s just plain laziness. I miss checking out the awesome scenery, the great combat system, discovering new and exciting stuff. The game is truly amazing in comparison to the 10+ years i have been playing other mmos, its just too bad that this entire disaster is tainting my view of the game and the company that runs it. Guilty until proven innocent i guess (Banned Friday November 9th at approximately 12:00am, server: sanctum of rall, dynamic events in cursed shore, after just hitting level 80).

Can you really blame these people who believe we are botters? I mean, before this actually happened to me, on other MMOs that I’ve played, when someone complains on a forum saying they were falsely banned for botting, the first thing that would come to my mind is “falsely? yeah right”. Now I’m not saying all of us here are innocents, I’m pretty sure there’s alot posting here have actually used bots and they’re just riding along with this “falsely banned” wave of players.

Add me to the list btw, banned 11/07/2012 at about 11:15 AM PST

(edited by Saika.8495)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


Please, help. I’ve yet to hear any type of response aside from the automated one within the last 4 days. I know this is just a game, but I’ve invested so much time, effort and money on my account.


Is farming in Orr still safe?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


I too have been banned about 4 days ago when I was doing shelters/penitent/occasional jofast runs in Orr, I was in a party chatting with them and telling them Jofast was being attacked or something like that so they could move there as well, but the moment I set foot on the camp I got a black screen and my account was banned. I’ve yet to hear a reply from support to this time.

(edited by Saika.8495)

About banned account that got it restored

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


I feel kind of uneasy now, even if my account does get reinstated, there really is no better place to farm than Orr right now as it’s the only dedicated level 80 zone with chain events, I farm there more than 12hrs/day because I’m on vacation right now which is probably why I got flagged for botting even though I actively participate, chat in party, swap weapons depending on situation/building sigils, move to do dungeon or hang around town during my diminishing return. Leaving Orr would mean cutting my karma farming, gold farming by huge amounts.
I’ve also been waiting for about 3 days now with no response at all, and I’ve seen posts of people who have filed tickets later after me being back online already. Starting to lose hope here.

(edited by Saika.8495)

What could have triggered the Ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


Just wanted to know what programs / hardware people are using when they were playing the game before they got banned to see if any of these could provide us with more info. Would also be nice to know what their activities are.


Razer Starcraft II Banshee headset (I swap this to another banshee headset when it gets too hot because of the lights)

Razer Starcraft 2 Marauder Keyboard

Razer Naga / SC2 Spectre (I swap depending on which one I feel like I’m using)

Background Programs:

Itunes (because farming for 12+ hrs listening to Orr bgm can be fatal)
Yahoo messenger (talking to my cousin in Japan who always plays with me)

Activities: Tunnel farming and sometimes Jofast (i got banned when I got to jofast camp)

I am playing on a dedicated gaming computer, and I don’t even use the browser while I’m gaming to avoid infecting it with anything. I use a separate computer just beside it for googling stuff.

Any "compensation" for wrongful bans?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


compensation or not, really, the only thing I want right now is getting my account back online as I have invested so much time and effort on it (I requested vacation off of work to work on my legendaries which has been progressing greatly).

Account Permabanned for Botting?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


welcome to the club I guess =/. Were all just waiting for the responses our tickets atm.
Just wait patiently and hope your issue gets resolved.

Any "compensation" for wrongful bans?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


I was banned about 6 hours and was thinking what could have caused the ban as I’m not using any third party programs at all.

Hardware I’m using is the Razer Naga mouse, and Starcraft II Marauder keyboard. For the naga i mainly just spam the button 1 on the side panel as its easier to hit with the thumb that using my left hand to hit 1 on the keyboard while moving around using wasd.

As for repetitive movement, I am farming so i pretty much just do the same thing over and over, when I’m on the shelter’s camp, i pan the camera left and right every half second to see which side is getting attacked so that I may AoE tag them with the guardian staff, I also do quick turns to monitor if the undead is attacking the top right corner of shelters (where the npcs are).

As for penitent pretty much the same thing, just moving the camera on all directions to see if there’s a group of mobs I can tag.

I’m not sure if it’s those actions that triggered it or programs running from the mouse and keyboard that I am not aware of that triggered the flag for me getting banned.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


Also been banned about an hour ago.

reference no: #121107-002411

Got banned for...botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


The people i farm with can testify that I am indeed playing the game as I run around shouting which side is getting attacked and chatting all day or sleeping or dancing while waiting for an event to start.

Got banned for...botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saika.8495


So a few minutes ago I’ve been kicked out of the game saying I’ve been banned for botting or someting like that while I was in a farm party in the cursed shore.

I’m not sure why I was banned as I don’t use any third party programs or macros, and I don’t think anyone has access to my account. I play the game starting 6AM to about 11:00 PM just farming cursed shore, always in a party with the same group of people and sometimes pick up parties.

The only time i leave my character unattended is around 11:30-12:00pm pst and dinner time because I’d usually hit that super awesome diminishing return system so I have no choice but to afk or something at divinity’s reach near the banks.
