Showing Posts For Sailas.9467:

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sailas.9467


I’d like to re-apply, as a NA student. Level 80 thief. You folks were kind enough to invite me once before, and before I could spend much time with you all in-game, I nearly rage-quit out of general frustration. I’ve taken a break, and would love to come back under your guidance.

Hope to see you in game soon!

[Teef] A Thief Forum Guild (Lock pls)

in Thief

Posted by: Sailas.9467


IGN: Sailas Wolfgrin
Playstyle: PVE, WVW
Server: Sorrow’s Furnace
Experience: Been playing a thief since just after launch. I’ve dabbled in a variety of builds, all of which I have found entertaining. Unfortunately, the gameplay I enjoy the most also happens to have the steepest learning curve… A major hurdle for a casual gamer like me! Would love to pick up some tips and hints, and become a more valuable, well-rounded thief!