Showing Posts For Sailor Scout Inners.2517:

How do we get PvP-only skins now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Well #sorryboutit. No need to be rude and condescending.

Mini Polar Bear Cub?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Do you think the mini dragon is going to require a mystic forge combination of the other released pets, or do you think it will be it’s own free-standing purchasable mini?

How do we get PvP-only skins now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Bump? Has this been addressed yet? I just need closure

How do we get PvP-only skins now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Also bumping in hopes of getting an answer!

How do we get PvP-only skins now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

So a moderator moved this post to a different forum, and we STILL don’t have an answer to this question. I’m specifically looking for the old PvP Rubric Mantle, now renamed as Apostle Epaulets. The shoulders were exclusive to PvP, and unobtainable in PvE. How would I go about obtaining this piece now?

How do we get PvP-only skins now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

I’m very curious about this. Has anyone addressed this issue yet, or am I just blind and not seeing the correct post. Any help from a moderator would be very much appreciated… I know there are a lot of others with this same question!

Bifrost footfalls not changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

I agree, everything about my Bifrost seems EXACTLY the same, except for the projectile effect. The rainbowness pale’s in comparison to the new Dreamer. The rainbow bolt is cool, but I wish it was a little bigger or exploded into rainbows or something. I’d much rather have a GIANT rainbow pony shoot out of my staff than a tiny rainbow bolt. Kinda disappointed, and hoping they will fix the Bifrost to match up to it’s rainbow legendary sister weapon.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sailor Scout Inners.2517

Sailor Scout Inners.2517

+1 Race Changes. Wouldn’t mind the option for class changes either. Willing to pay big bucks for this option lol.