Showing Posts For Sam Heinous.5028:

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sam Heinous.5028

Sam Heinous.5028

I would also like to speak about the forced JP this year.

I have never been able to complete it even one time in, what, three years? Never. And I’m not sure that I ever will be able to complete it 3 times.

So, that means there is NO WAY I can finish the collection I started.

If your computer can’t get high frame rates, if your mouse isn’t a super game mouse, or if you are handicapped in any way, parts of this game can be tough as it is. Gating the festival prize behind this JP is terrible. I’ve already had to write off the clock tower each year. I never figured on Christmas changing.

There used to be a halfway point option, didn’t there? And now they took THAT out, making it even worse.

This is like paying to be punished for myself and others who want the achvs and skins, but are JP impaired. At least every other year, you had some flex to work around it.