(edited by SanPolaroid.7813)
Showing Posts For SanPolaroid.7813:
I have the same problem since today.
First i played normaly, than I got long lags in WvW.
Now, a hour later, GW2 wont even connect to the login-servers anymore. Sometimes it stills starts as usually, but when i try to log in my character i get stuck in loading screen of get kicked due connecting problems.
Same here, i got portet fron overflow to overflow… it’s a overflow inception
[TSD] sign me in, can ofer a mes, hunter, thief.
Wonder if there a small place for me or a last sdome information about a second guild for teq. Heard something like that in a overflow.
I got a 80 mesmer, hunter, thief , no zerker-gear full exo/ascended
(edited by SanPolaroid.7813)