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100% world completion bug?

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Posted by: Santor.4258


I’m at the exact same spot as Pangie^^. I hope they fix this soon.

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258


This post about BTDT achievement

I think this missing area can be jumpping puzzles (not all ) becouse some of the puzzle are in hidden places and when u go there u discover new area. Can someone check that ?

I have all of the puzzle achievements except crash landing and obsidian sanctum a few of them uncover map area but not enough to 100% any of the explorer achievements I’d show screens of my achievement panel but can only post one here and it wouldn’t all fit

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258


this post is about the map completion chest bug

If you didn’t get gift of exploration and you are at 100% -> go to hom and chantry of secretes.

For the 7th time, went to the Chantry, no change. Thanks for reading the thread before making a suggestion

Good to know, it looks like there are two levels of bug for not getting the map completion chest one is easily fixed by going to “chantry of secrets” after finishing the rest of the map, for everyone who has this bug try that first. the second level of this bug seems to not be affected by going to chantry so everyone who has the second level of this bug please post here to let A-net know how wide spread it is.

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258


from now on for clarity lets all state at the beginning of our posts whether we are having the Map completion chest bug or are having the Been there done that/title screen bug.

This post is discussing the “Been there done that” bug

It would seem you missed the 2nd reply to this thread. Anet JUMPED on this to announce they are aware.

So I got the map completion chest with the two gifts of exploration as soon as I completed the map. the A-net response in the 3rd post here was about the bug that prevented one from getting the chest I got. If you had read the thread after that Shunsui especially my first post (four from the bottom on the first page of the thread) then you would know that there are two bugs being discussed if you then read my 2nd post, the fourth post I wrote (the one you quoted) would make sense to you.

thanks for pointing out that we need to be careful to note what bug we are talking about Shunsui

bottom line “been there done that” still bugged for me. I encourage anyone to post screens and an explanation of how if they have been able to progress that title past 97%

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258


well it’s confirmed “been there done that” is bugged if it relies on the exploration achievements I just did ascolon catacombs explorable and uncovered at least 3 or 4 new areas with names on the map. my ascolonian explorer didn’t budge still at 179/187


please fix this A-net or at least acknowledge that you are aware that it’s broken.

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258


Quick note don’t go with the word of the wiki, cause I wrote that (I expect it to turn out true but as no one has yet come forward to rebut me I’ll let it ride).

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258


From what I’ve done myself and everyone who has posted here I conclude that to get the “been there done that” achievement there are only two possibilities left

1.) The dungeons must be explored in explorable mode (Story mode doesn’t count as I’ve done 4/8 SM dungeons explored everything in them and my BTDT is still at 97%)


2.) This title is a bugged

So there are two things that would clear this up and end this thread

1.) Someone gets the title or solid proof (screens) of progress beyond 97% by doing explorable mode dungeons


2.) A-net weighs in here and admits this is a bug which they intend to fix when they can. (I doubt this will happen as it hasn’t yet, I bet we are looking at case 1 here and A-net knows it but wants us to figure it out ourselves/aren’t looking or don’t care)

my exploration titles are at

Magumma Is the most compelling example for case 1 to me so far as I did the story mode dungeon and there are 5 map area titles/fog areas.

(edited by Santor.4258)

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258


So it sounds like two separate issues here

1.) I have gotten all poi’s waypoints vistas skill points and hearts and haven’t gotten the world completion chest

answer some people need to go to the chantry of secrets again* to get this to happen annoying but seams to work (has anyone done this and not had it work?)

* that’s right for a second time after you complete the rest of the map. lets stop this "but I was already there" right now.

2.) I have the above but am at 97% in the "been there done that" title/achievement what do I need to do for 100% (to a lesser extent 98% on long in screen)

answer no one knows it is rumored that getting all the poi’s in explorable dungeons or uncovering all the "map fog" in explorable mode dungeons will get you to 100% but this is unconfirmed. Can any player who has done this confirm that it works (with screens) or can A-net please let us know?

(edited by Santor.4258)

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258



Numbers 5, 7 and 8 in particular.

If you want to insist on third person view at all times 7 is a must. In ad person addition to what is said in 8 A first person view is a mush for a game this beautiful Its great to take screen shots of my character in exotic locals but I also want to take screen shots of the world without my characters backside in them. 5 exasperates the problem (I want to take screen shots of stuff above me and be able to see anything other then my characters posterior.)

I agree with all the other things OP said but those three are the worst for me.

Gates of Arak

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Santor.4258


THIS! I am stuck here and have been for a week now.

On a related side note why do I have to join a group in the last mission after playing for 80 levels solo?