Showing Posts For Sapphire.6703:
Bump for user awareness. Thanks for keeping us posted.
The reason they most likely will keep dailies is quite simple really, it’s no more than a marketing scheme thing. When the game gives you some sort of reward for playing EVERY single day, it’ll reinforce players to actually play every single day, that way the game has more traffic and more people keep coming back again and again to acquire that reward the game gives you every day.
This happens in many games in many ways, like some games giving you one hour of double XP bonus every day, etc. It keeps people coming back.
This does make sense. However, an actual “Daily” mechanism put in place by ArenaNet shouldn’t be needed nor enforced. GuildWars2 is a great game by itself and the “reward” of playing such a great game should bring back players daily.
Having the actual daily in-game itself is a bit constricting on players.
A weekly would be far less constricting.
(edited by Sapphire.6703)
How has this not happened already?
I would like to be able to spend a few hours in one day on the weekend completing all of the dailies from the week instead of having to log on EVERY DAY.
Why people wouldn’t want this, or even why this hasn’t already been implemented bewilders me. It gives flexibility to everyone. It allows everyone to complete the same amount of work found in current dailies, but at their OWN PACE.
Not only has this idea been running around through various channels for quite a while now, but it has also been implemented in other successful MMOs for a long while.
I can see a couple arguments with this:
-Should I be rewarded the same as someone who regularly dedicates time to log on 7 days a week?
-Should ArenaNet be compelled to keep dailies instead of weeklies to maintain player activity?
So where do most people stand on this?
End of January? An “active fix” was quoted almost a month ago. Why is such a critical fix coming to us so late?
I feel everyone’s pain, just happened to me as I was on the even level boss stage. 2-3 hours wasted.
Time wasted = priority issue for players/customers.
Hopefully the fix is on the way!