Showing Posts For Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618:

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

The problem with this idea is it would by default put servers like Sea of Sorrows at an extreme disadvantage. You may as well just put us dead last.

So, since it’s night time for Oceanics then the US should also be slapped with the debuff. Then we’re all back to square one.

Stop thinking that there are no other time-zones. What you are suggesting is selfish and ignorant to the fact that Oceanics are forced to play against US. It’s not our fault that you guys go to sleep when it’s our prime time, and vice versa.

Living in another part of the world is not an exploit. It’s not a tactic. Stop claiming so.

First off, if it were properly implemented it would not put any servers at a disadvantage. If the system were simply to scale point gain down based upon population disparity (regardless of the time of day) it would affect both night and day equally if they are equally imbalanced. However, if there was a time of day where both sides had equal numbers in WvW it would emphasize that.

Secondly, your assumptions about me and your general tone are extremely insulting and unconstructive. Shock and horror, I am not from the US either. So trying to plaster me with your thinly-veiled xenophobic stereotyping isn’t going to work.

Thirdly, I never claimed that living in another part of the world was an exploit or a tactic. In fact, those things are irrelevant to my argument.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

The original post is trying to put forth the concept of fairness for all players. An admirable gesture, however, the current system just doesn’t reflect this.

I’ve played multiple servers in Europe and some in America and my experience is that the majority of match-ups were decided during the night when there was population disparity between servers. In the day, WvW was full for the most part, meaning that all sides were relatively equal.

The fact that match-ups are largely decided in the night means that each night time player is contributing more to the fight than a day time player. That is not fairness. That is not equality.

The point gain in the night time needs to be scaled down so that players from the day and night contribute the same amount.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

This thread is a complete joke. Do you think customers are stupid ArenaNet? You post a one line comment about network problems, yet you do not ask for any information whatsoever.

tracert? Nope.
Person’s server information? Nope.
Person’s ISP information? Nope.
Person’s location? Nope.

To other customers: Posting in this thread is a waste of time as ArenaNet haven’t asked for the information required to actually fix the issue…

[Suggestion] How I would improve the WvW scoring mechanism and queues

in WvW

Posted by: Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

Scoring mechanism

The big problem I see with the WvW scoring mechanism as it stands is that it puts way too much emphasis on the times when the team sizes are not remotely balanced. This means that the people that are playing at off-peak times are effectively contributing more to the WvW score, even though they might not actually be playing any better, merely by playing at that time.

A minority should not be deciding the outcome of the battle. The majority of people (i.e. the people who play at peak times) should have the most influence on the score, with minorities having a smaller but proportionate influence.

What I would do to fix this is simple: scale point gain by the ratio of the number of people on each side at any particular time.

For example, if all three sides had an equal number of people in WvW at peak time the ratio would be 1:1:1.

If the ratios were unequal, lets say green and blue are 1:1, whereas red is 0.5:1; Green and blue would have 50% of the point gain, whereas red would have double.


I think the best way to fix queues would be to make multiple instances of the Eternal Battlegrounds. At the beginning of each match-up, ArenaNet analyses the population of each match-up and decides upon an appropriate number of instances of the Eternal Battlegrounds.

When entering an Asura portal for EB you are asked which instance you want to go to, the same for when you bring up the WvW score.

This would only be a feature for when all three worlds are heavily populated. Hence, the lowest population world being the deciding factor. This acts as a huge incentive for people to move worlds and balance the population.

(edited by Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618)

Option for reducing the amount of people displayed in WvW?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618


I have now run a Wireshark capture on GW2 packets and found that my ISP ( is incorrectly prioritizing traffic for the game. I have submitted a customer support ticket to them to try and resolve the issue.

Although I only have a limited knowledge of these things, I think it is very likely that I will need the list of IP addresses (or IP address range) that GW2 is using in order to fix this problem.

This is a fairly important issue as it is likely affecting many many people, so a reply would be nice.

Thanks again.

Option for reducing the amount of people displayed in WvW?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

Sarqen Swiftshadow.7618

Question 1:

I’m getting horrible lag with my Internet connection when going anywhere near a large zerg tonight. My FPS is staying relatively stable (hence, I believe it is a connection related issue), however, my abilities suddenly start taking forever to activate and I keep getting damaged when there is no one apparently attacking me. I.e. classic connection lag.

My question is: Is there an option somewhere that will decrease the amount of players displayed in WvW?

Question 2:

I believe my connection problems are in part due to the quality of service of my ISP in the evenings. At other times of day the connection is fine.

If possible, could I please have the ports used by GW2 and relevant IP addresses (or preferably IP address range, as I know you have many), so I can contact my ISP to try and get the QoS priority upped a bit.

Thank you.