Showing Posts For Sashiku.7086:

Little Sashi and the VOED *Asura Fanart*

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


I like it

Thanks! ^^

Little Sashi and the VOED *Asura Fanart*

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


This is my first Guild Wars 2 Drawing. ^^ Also my first try at doing an in depth background.


Character Freezes upon walking

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


I found the issue. It’s on my side, not the game’s side. I’ll have it fixed in a few moments so I can go back to playing. If anyone else has this issue, It’s a keylogger lagging when you hold down keys. I’ve never had one before as I am careful what I download. Not sure how this one snuck into my PC, but at least I know what it is now.

Character Freezes upon walking

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


I played the game for a couple hours and then closed the game to go take a nap. Upon restarting I started walking and it appears the freezing has begun again… The fix was only temporary. It seems closing the game and opening it again are the only things that could have caused it.

I’ve resigned playing the game for today as I really cannot play with such lag. It’s quite frustrating as this is my all-time favorite game.

(edited by Sashiku.7086)

Official response on the Lag issues please?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


Tulsa Oklahoma USA
Yak’s Bend Server
AT&T :: broadband Solid as a rock
My computer is good, 6GB ram and it has 2 quad cores.

I’m too lazy to do the test.

Server Error

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


Been happening to me as well. Dunno when it started but this morning it seemed fine.

Character Freezes upon walking

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


I uninstalled the game completely and re-installed. This seems to have fixed the issue. I’ll update after some intense game play to see if the fix persists.

Character Freezes upon walking

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


I notice that I can walk normally if I press the jump (space) button once while holding the walk key. This of course, Only works while holding the w key. Once I let go, I have to do the same combination over again. I also noticed holding down a d or s does the exact same freeze thing that w does. As I said, nothing else lags for me. combat is detailed, the textures are clean, and effects are smooth. I really wish I could get a fix for this as it’s impairing my ability to play the game normally. I instead have to put in a large effort to just walk around.

(edited by Sashiku.7086)

Character Freezes upon walking

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


Yesterday I played and had no issue. This morning when I try to walk, my character will freeze and upon releasing the W walk key, My character appears to not have moved at all. From a friends POV, she said I was walking normally, but upon releasing the key my character is teleported back to it’s starting position.

Can I get some help with this?

I have an excellent computer, and most times I can play with the highest setting with no lag. This lag doesn’t seem to be graphical as I changed it to lowest setting and it still persisted.

I have no other lag beyond this. All other animations play properly, and teleporting isn’t laggy at all.

(edited by Sashiku.7086)

Make Skritt playable.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sashiku.7086


I would DEFINITELY play one! They’re adorable, and even being a bit dim-witted they can still understand basic things. I think a Skritt storyline would rock. I usually play Sylvari. I like to play anything but human.