Showing Posts For Sasori.7923:

Either Nerf Difficulty and nerf Rewards, or Increase Difficulty and Increase Rewards.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sasori.7923


you would think if they made it harder the rewards would be better huh?

Delete the Dungeons section of this forum asap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sasori.7923


Sorry RaZac, its hard to take you seriously after saying your highest char is lv 42 and most explorables are lv 80. you should have more opinions on things you havnt tried or been a part of

general idea im getting from your exp mode.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sasori.7923


So, from what i have been reading, COF magg is nearly impossible. Dungeons are now HARDER, thats fine i guess, are the rewards BETTER? no? worse? well that is obviously common sense is it not? hey fellas, we need to make these harder and more rewarding, but by more rewarding i mean that fell good feeling people get for completing something. truly we are going to hurt their wallets with this tactic but who cares about that? Am i the only one that finds it insulting to read that exploration is for “only the skilled/buffed/geared/organized (and food buffed) people” basicly you are saying only hardcores/tryhards should do this as all others will fail because of how hard we made it. now, this is all good and dandy i guess, ill find a PvE/PvP guild to get in, but those pug groups, sucks to be you because no matter how good YOU are as a player, you are stuck with 4 other people with random skill levels and chances are, they will not be good enough, ill touch on that later.

“player skill, synchronous builds, strong use of cross-profession combos, use of cooking/consumable buffs and well formed player tactics some of our better dungeon groups felt the explorable dungeons were too easy for launch.” this was said by ColinJohanson, which hopefully you will get back to me because i have a question for you. you said “our better dungeon groups felt exporable dungeon were too easy for launch” what did the AVERAGE dungeons groups say? also, basicly what your saying is, dont pug. get in a guild. because everyone and their dog knows pugs are not completly organized, you get newbies, you get farmers, you get children (and i don’t mean children as in 12 year olds i mean children that just don’t understand the concept of mechanics and get owned) you get quitters and ragers. that is what pugs are after all, RANDOMS.

Another thing i want to touch on, General lupicus, i attempted him several times with Pugs and got crushed. ok, lets ask around maybe i was set with baddies it happens right? i asked friends, /map looked in fourms. general consensus of what im hearing, just don’t do him. why? because hes stupidly hard. and as said earlier “player skill, synchronous builds, strong use of cross-profession combos, use of cooking/consumable buffs and well formed player tactics” these things you simply don’t get in pugs, not to insult the general population, but we all know this. phase 1, easy, phase 2 get dunked on. was he changed recently? (not tried in the last few days) if not, what i said was completly valid lol.

If your intention was to make explorable harder, less rewarding under the argument of achievement aka “hey i did arah full run, that’s how good i am” why not do something else rediculous like making it guild only, because that’s most likly the ONLY way you are getting “player skill, synchronous builds, strong use of cross-profession combos, use of cooking/consumable buffs and well formed player tactics” ofcourse i don’t mean this, but isnt that silly? taking out explorable, why group now again? is there a reason besides organized pvp zerging? opinions? well know more in a few days after running other stuff ofc, but this is what im seeing mostly atm.