Showing Posts For Saxton.7968:

Beware! FatalAggression [BOSS]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Saxton.7968


I am actually surprised to see this, and disappointed. Especially after how all our awesome officers responded quickly, as soon as you said something on my twitch account about depositing materials into the guild bank. (Which we were unaware of, until you said something). We are a large guild and do not need a few exotic pieces of armor, but you try to make us out as thieves? I don’t understand this especially since we went through everything and Rapthorne kindly took the time to send you back everything you deposited into there. I think that proves that we are the “kind family friendly guild we depict”. A horrible guild would have kept your stuff and not even bothered to respond to this.

You were warned multiple times, and we tried to work with you. I am very sorry that our guild was not what you were looking for. We do however still have pride in our guild and what we have all worked hard for. We love our members and having someone like you come in, complain, and tear at us from day one, use obscenities in our TS3, and have nothing positive or constructive to say, we as a leadership had to step in and make our community safe once again. I do not think other people out their would blame us for taking action the way we did. Especially since we were kind enough to give you everything back.

I hope you find a guild to call home.

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Saxton.7968


I will take 198 if it is still avalible.
Arywen Saxton

(edited by Saxton.7968)