Be a gentleman, look them in the eye when you kill them, repeatedly, again and again…
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Be a gentleman, look them in the eye when you kill them, repeatedly, again and again…
I’ve been getting ping spikes of up to 2000 from my usual ping of ~48. How long is this experiment going to last because PVP is literally unplayable and +1 for test servers for testing stuff like this that has a huge impact on playing the game.
Be a gentleman, look them in the eye when you kill them, repeatedly, again and again…
I agree with the OP. Scarlet is still in the process of becoming the villain we want. Who knows, maybe her latest scheme could shift the balance of energy in tyria leading to the awakening of another elder dragon. Ever since I read the short story I sort of imagined her to be one of the villains that’s undying (not risen). A villain so persistent and intelligent that she would always come back stronger, more evil after every encounter. But atm she comes across as a bit ditzy in game which is a shame. But so long as anet develops her character more and more I can imagine her becoming that bad kitten that genuinely makes people go “oh kitten, didn’t see that coming”.
Be a gentleman, look them in the eye when you kill them, repeatedly, again and again…
(edited by Saydul.8571)
Still occurring in the red borderland which is now my home BL (Desolation) too in the current matchup. And it is ONLY on this map, regardless of which server it belongs to.
Be a gentleman, look them in the eye when you kill them, repeatedly, again and again…
Anyone else getting a lot of lag in only the red borderland as I am? It’s been like this all week. I cant use any skills etc and when moving around I appear to be rubberbanding all over the place.
I am on the server Desolation and the red borderland belongs to Kodash atm.
Be a gentleman, look them in the eye when you kill them, repeatedly, again and again…
Lagging in all aspects of the game still, game was running fine 2 days ago.
Be a gentleman, look them in the eye when you kill them, repeatedly, again and again…