Showing Posts For Sayne.5209:
You see, you are having fun because you are winning. Lets have you face Blackgate for 5 weeks in a row, and then lets talk.
Winning or losing, it is not fun for each side. Stomping is very boring, while being stomped is also extremely boring..
Yeah, but it’s a lot more demoralizing looking at the score and having less than 100 than it is to be able to choose which keep you want to enter EBJP from.
There’s a ton of threads and discontent all over the WvW forums. If they were going to do anything they would’ve done it by now. It’s been 5 weeks and nothing has been done. Their inaction speaks louder than words, they do not give a kitten.
You didn’t read everything then. They said they wont change it for months. And Honestly all the people complaining should just quit. I am able to have fun in WvW and so can you. Only reason its not fun is because we push to much (TC). If we communicated more let each sever buff up for a cupple hours then fight for stuff it would be alot more fun. Let each sever own there BL for a few hours no snipling yacks and what not so there is supply. Talk tell people which BL to be on to fight. If a sever is lacking people fight them in one spot, Say TCBL. TC has alot of people to defend so there will be fights for our stuff. After awhile when attacks stop we can agree to meet on another map were TC is now an attacker and another team defends. (will this happen not perfectly but someone could try to many pugs sorta speak )
Just because what is out now is not fun (because we ALWAYS have people on a map) does not mean you should just bla bla about it on the forums, do something to improve it, use what you are given. And if you flame this post or idea just go to another sever. TC is tier 1.5 in the old system. Kinda out of place not as good as teir 1 and better than tier 2. Complaining on the forums is what got us into this in the first place!!!
only real solution to this is Free transfers to lower WVW pop severs from the top 4 severs. Need to even out the severs so there is fun. Anet cant controll people playing in WvW. IF we take everything or break the enemies spirit its our own dang fault. Blame the bigger guilds their goal is to break the fighters spirit so in the end we have no one to fight.
If you take Anet out of the equation to fix thing only thing is left is the players. To many people moved to higher fighting severs for more WvW to the point only 2 other sever could given them a good fight.
Another possible solution. NPC fighters. Make champion or vets roamers that randomly spawn on a map that is totally controlled that take keeps and keeps them wood so ninja attempts work. Have 10-20 attack every keep and tower at once to fend off the attacks(each with 2 golems)
Another solution. Quit. The more people who quite will even out the pop in WvW.
I am not an Anet fan boy i am just realistic.
You see, you are having fun because you are winning. Lets have you face Blackgate for 5 weeks in a row, and then lets talk.
As someone from CD, though this wasn’t even CLOSE to as bad as when we met TC, I can only hope….from the forums and how Mag’s manipulated the match…that the Mag’s face TC or even SoR next round. Enjoy your pain kittenes, you deserve it.
Also to the Yak’s, you think you “earned” second place on this? Nope, it was given to you. See the last two matches we had, and bring your best should we meet next week, you didn’t win it, Mags gave you it and even admitted it on this forum. If we meet again, show us what ya got.
This coming from the server
This coming from one person on the server. While I don’t agree with what he said to say about Mag, what he did have to say about Yaks was true. This match is no indication of what a match between CD and Yaks would be like, we can look at 2 weeks ago and 3 weeks ago for that. I don’t hope that Mag gets matched up with a T2 server, I just hope that their forum warriors realize beating two T4 servers isn’t something to be proud of, neither is wiping an entire group of spectators for an organized GvG (although I wasn’t there to see it). I have stocked up on popcorn just in case Mag does get matched up against a T2 or T1, because hypocrisy and arrogance are hilarious when they lose.
(edited by Sayne.5209)
The real 5 minutes fireworks show of Friday.
Well it was a great match up until about 2 hours ago when WvW kicked everyone, me and my friends couldn’t gain access to WvW but we could watch CD pretty much run threw the entire 3 maps capping, and nothing we could do about it, shame the final day was ruined because of that.
Good luck in your match ups next week.
lol! You are a pretty bad liar. I wasn’t even there to see it and I can tell that you are lying. First off, if this actually did occur there would be a lot more people than just you reporting it. But it seems that you are the only one to even mention this mass booting, so don’t say that everyone got kicked out. Secondly, you have provided no proof of this occurring. Anybody who experienced this would have taken a screenshot at least with the scoreboard showing CD capping all the entirety of the 3 maps, with a one of those pop-ups saying you can not access WvW at this time. Rather, you went to the forums about 2 hours later and made a post about it. Third, after reading your post I went into EB and checked the Yak’s Bend keep. It was fully upgraded T3. That can’t be done in a mere 5 hours, as far as I know.
If anybody has some proof this actually happened than I apologize. Good luck in your match ups next week.
Yaks Bend zerg seems to know what CD is doing in EB before they do it. Insane response times from all the way across the map.
From last week, check out results on the bottom, and pair them up in 1v1’s…. all of the matches seem relatively competitive.
All of those would be amazing matchups.
Yeah ummm…. thiefs have killed me a couple times, and I do not posses the required brain power to counter a thief. So, nerf please?