Showing Posts For ScArZ.4953:

How to Check for "Open" COE, Temple of Lyssa

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Healix, thanks!!! I was searching through and I guess this 2 events is not in the wiki. Thanks alot!

List of apps/websites using the API

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Hi, I updated my original app “GW2 Event Timer” to have feature of checking for Open Dungeon/Temple

Also, I have another app called “GW2 WvW Tool”


How to Check for "Open" COE, Temple of Lyssa

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Hi, base on my understanding, for COF and the other 4 temples, there is a Defend event where if the state is “Warmup”, it’s considered open.

But for COE and Temple of Lyssa, there is no such event. Could anyone advise?


[API Suggestion] World vs World

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


1. Proper objective names

2. “Contested” boolean for each objective in match details

3. Status of upgrades for each objective in match details

4. Add mercenary camp statuses to match details

5. “Outmanned” list for each map in match details that lists which servers are outmanned on that map (empty list if none)

My only request is for number 2 =D

I agree that using the API should not give extra information that is not readable from the map. I had thought to request for things like “Life % of Gate/Wall” but realise that it would give too much advantages. Because some strategies includes sending a fake attack to a objective across the map so as to divert attention. Knowing if the “Life % of Gate/Wall” is not going down will effectively void such a strategy.

We also currently don’t have a good way of mapping objectives from the API to an actual objective in the world. In other words, the API doesn’t provide a way to say “Objective 29 is a north camp.” I am currently relying on a manually created map from IDs to objectives, which is a pain.

If we could get that data from the API somehow, that would be awesome. Even outputting the objective IDs in a consistent order between borderlands would make interpreting the IDs a whole lot more simple.

Couldn’t you make it a data file or something and just reference to it in your codes? You could use things like Enum, classes or well even static variables. I also found some sources that have converted the IDs to Names as a JSON format which you could use but I personally just hardcoded it somewhere.

Although this becomes a possible problem if the API IDs to Names mapping changes in the future

(edited by ScArZ.4953)

Android App for Event Monitoring

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Hi I have done a app “GW2 Event Timer”.

- Monitor World Bosses events (SB, Maw, FE, Wurm, Shatter, Teq, Jormag, Golem)
- Selection of Server
- Auto Refresh
- During event either Pre or Up state, the refresh rate will be auto adjusted to 15 seconds
- Selection of Refresh timing
- Simple, Clean, easy to use User Interface and BRIGHT LARGE text to show when event is up
- Keep Screen Turn On (No Screensaver) when monitoring the Timer page, can be turned off
- Event Timer (Option to turn On/Off)

Hope to gather some feedback, suggestions, slams. =D

Question on Using the Events API

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Hi DarkSpirit, thanks for the information. After researching, I managed to reduce the receive data by almost 4 times. The additional header info only increased the transmit data by around 16%

Question on Using the Events API

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Ok thanks for the idea, I’ll have to research what gzip compression (“Accept-Encoding: gzip” in the request header) will mean in android programming.

Question on Using the Events API

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Hi, thanks for the response, I think both of you made good points. I do not know exactly how much data is required for the HTTP calls but using the method by Think, the url now returns 1 line which is pretty good. But I agree with Healix that the HTTP calls will likely buff up the data used which makes this concept not feasible due to the many calls required.

As for making my own API, etc, I’m afraid that is also not feasible for my app as I do not have a server to pull and perform this consolidation of data. If I were to perform it on the user’s device (Android App), it will still defeat the objective of trying to reduce data usage.

But thanks very much for the information!

Question on Using the Events API

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Hi, I have made a android app to use the api. The app can be found in google play by searching for “GW2 Event Timer”. I would like to attempt to reduce the data used to fetch the API.

If I use the following url
The data is around 154KB
I notice that in the API documentation, it is possible to use optional parameters like event_id.

If i use the url (The event_id here is for one of the world boss)
The data is around 5KB. Although it seems to be a huge reduction but the issue is that if I were to fetch 30+ event_id, the data used will be over 154KB.

Thus am I able to do something like,event_id=9AA133DC-F630-4A0E-BB5D-EE34A2B306C2
Maybe the format of the algorithm or the way I’m doing it is wrong but this url doesn’t return the results i’m expecting. Anyone knows or maybe can the developers advise if it is possible?

Basically I intend to construct a url made up of the following
followed by event_id=(Insert many event_ids here)

List of apps/websites using the API

in API Development

Posted by: ScArZ.4953


Hi I have done a app “GW2 Event Timer”. Currently only available information for HoD Server but the information for all Servers should be ready in version 2 which will be around an hours time.