Showing Posts For Scharron.2968:

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scharron.2968


WoW why is Desolation in Silver League?kitten*ing night capping…

Abaddons Mouthwash/ Fort Knox/ Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Hey guys little movie of the 13.11 on Aurora Glade map!

Thx for all the fight !

[Video] War dps in raid 25

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Hey guys here a prime in action in a raid 25 people !
Enjoy xD

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Stop deleting and remaking your posts.

I refresh it because I made new movies…
And now my post has been moved, don’t worry boy !

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


:) I appreciate a lot you like my movie !! When I see your reply I know why I do movie

This movie is what inspired me to start over and play as a warrior. I have a level 80 Ele, Thief, and Mesmer yet none have really been all that fun other than the roaming thief. Please keep making more of these!

Oh, I subscribed to your channel too.

Thx dude !! Warrior is very funny to play xD
But sorry this time I don’t make movie because when I play I have a lot of ‘skill lag’ in WvW

Abaddon - Jade Sea - Augury Rock

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Overview on our home map Augury Rock :

We don’t like blob that’s why we don’t have a lot of action against Abadon…

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


You inspired me to go out and buy a charzooka and run around with a rifle build.

That video is pure gold man, thanks for sharing it.

:) I appreciate a lot you like my movie !! When I see your reply I know why I do movie

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


You might want to change sigil of bloodlust to sigil of int to ensure your killshots crits.

The aim is to do the highest crit possible so I take bloodlust and not int !

Prestack bloodlust, then use something else.

Thanks it’s what I already do in WvW ! But not in Spvp. And in Spvp with fury I am at 66% crit that is enough for me

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


This looks like so much fun to play! I have a level 39 Guardian that I’ve come to really dislike and am thinking about rerolling. Is this spec something I can use to level up with or should I go with something else to make leveling faster?

Yep no problem to leveling a warrior with a fuc**** big riffle and a berserk build

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


You might want to change sigil of bloodlust to sigil of int to ensure your killshots crits.

The aim is to do the highest crit possible so I take bloodlust and not int !

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


is there a build like this that would work in sPVP

Yep I play with this in Spvp
But you will do less damage that in WvW I warn you !

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


I’m watching right now your video.
I stopped it ,because log here and say : “LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL” at the part of “eating chaarzooka” was a must.

I can’t stop laugh.I don’t remember the last time i laugh that much.
Sorry for my english.
You made my day,seriusly tnx .

Lool I appreciate you love the part : RESPECT THE GUN !
Try it and you will laugh more than watching I promise!
Thx for watching dude

Aurora Glade v Elona Reach v Augury Rock

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Nice fights with [HoB], [AFK] and some other guilds (sorry, forgot the name :/ ) on Aurora Glade BL. Went there with [DoH] and [AI],[ASC] and last but not least [EqnX].

Yep nice fights on Aurora bl ! We were between 7 and 9 and we had a lot of fun in fight ;-) (BlooD LegiO guild is talking)

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


D…D…Do you have different modifiers or something? How do you have 4.6k attack? How can you hit that high in wvw with hb O.O is this even possible

25 might adds 875 power/attack bloodlust is another 250. That means only 3.4-3.5k normally.

Nop normally unbuff I have 3745 attack and full buff I have 5125 attack (with banner) ;-)

No, you don’t. Click your own build link because I’m not going to remake it for you.

Remove food buffs. Remove signet of might as you are activating it to make your killshots unblockable. The 3754 tells me you don’t have the infusions your link says you have so remove those too. 3574 attack which would be 3604 if you didn’t have 1 random knight earring. (you also have a soldier backpiece)

Banner isn’t something you can reliably have when you can’t equip a banner but with it you should be looking at more like 5250 (5084attack 50% crit chance 109% crit dmg without banners).

Edit: You could also push this all even higher with empower allies/spotter.

For my bad :-( You’re true !

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


D…D…Do you have different modifiers or something? How do you have 4.6k attack? How can you hit that high in wvw with hb O.O is this even possible

25 might adds 875 power/attack bloodlust is another 250. That means only 3.4-3.5k normally.

Nop normally unbuff I have 3745 attack and full buff I have 5125 attack (with banner) ;-)

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Your showing a 15/25/0/0/30 build in Vol. II verses what you linked above, why?

In vol. 2 I took 25 point in arms to increase +10% dammage on target who is bleeding. And I took crack shot to pierce with my riffle (what I did in some scenes in my ‘rebirth’ movie).

And I link the build because it’s with it that you can have the highest crit possible with a riffle! that’s all

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Thank’s all !


Take 25 stacks of power and 25 might on the build and you will have more than 5k attack

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH" Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Hey my come back with my riffle xD

Scharron Prod. Channel

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Scharron Prod. Channel

1080p !!

Hey I will do more Warrior movies in the futur so I create this toppic for all my vids !
My channel :

My movies :

[Crazy Riffle “Sniper Charrzooka” Warrior]
- “Sniper Charrzooka” Warrior Volume 1 :
- “Sniper Charrzooka” Warrior Volume 2 :
- “Sniper Charrzooka REBIRTH” Warrior :

[Different builds testing]
- Warrior [Rifle / Axe + Shield] solo WvW :

[Guild [BL] actions in WvW]
- BlooD LegiO [BL] (Augury Rock) 16.07.2013 :
- BlooD LegiO [BL] (Augury Rock) 04.08.2013 :


(edited by Scharron.2968)

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 3

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968



I’ve never heard a Norn speaking French before :P

Nice Movie as usual

It’s not me but a Charr french friend who is speaking !! xD

I agree with all of you that players against me are not the mostpowerfullofthedeathextremehardcore player but in WvW solo player are very difficult to find so I show wath I find !

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 3

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Nice video

Thx dude

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 3

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Hey guys !

My new movie is available I spend a lot of time to create it so don’t troll please ^^
In this movie I play my warrior with rifle and axe + shield.
I optimized my stuff and build as far as I could !
Hope you enjoy

Good viewing

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Man even with power greater than yours and like 2% less crit damage i can only hit 5k with my F1 skill. Always happens to me

Wow ! It’s very strange… 5k with the F1 it’s to low oO and full berzerker you normally do more than 10k easily

Sorry don’t understand especialy when you have more power than me

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Ahah Yski I know what you mean ! Always run to enemies !!
Good luck for your stuff dude

And “Sniper Charrzooka” Warrior Volume 3 will coming soon ! (in 2/3 days)

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


These are funny. Keep up the good work !

Question: Frenzy takes your killshot to less than a second it looks like ?

Thanks dude !
Yep with frenzy it’s like 0,9 sec to cast the F1 killshot xD

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


I respect the amount of effort you put into this video, and this is (my opinion) but i just couldn’t find this enjoyable at all, it just seemed bland, every target you went up again seemed to be the sort of player you’d see with about 200 achievement points, i know they aren’t a representation of skill, but you know where I’m coming from.

Those 3 players on the tower were just abysmally bad, they just stood still, they didn’t move, dodge, or anything.. it’s almost as if the fight was set up by a bunch of terribly bad actors.

Joshua I agree with you with the level of some of my opponents
But for me those situations are funny and I will not show and claim at “highskilleld@lolpownedmotherkittener” in my movie!
I know that a lot of personn appreciate my movie because it’s kidding and it’s just a 6min movie Sorry if you lose this 6 min dude (because it’s true I spend time to make it) !

Post Your Build Thread

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Axe + shield / Hammer

WvW warband build :

-65% condition duration
Stun, snare duration are near 0 !
A very good mobility, endurance and a good burst

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Hey a ‘special’ effect with my Balls, sorry with my Bolt xD


[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Cempa the rifle is charrzooka ^^ you see it in the introduce of the movie!
And not already try with more mitigation, can’t answer sorry.

Sniper build doing 24k+ dmg

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Yep I understand but when you are below 50% life with your spec and full berseker it’s too late to survive ^^ But it’s your choice I understand !

Sniper build doing 24k+ dmg

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Your crits are high but I don’t understand why you don’t take the trait ‘perforating shoot’ if you play in group against blob or other group ??
(You can see it in this topic with my video :

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


I dont want to offend you, but its a tipical : you face a first timer that is lv 30, and ofc he gets 1 shotted.

It’s one of the aim of the movie : just KIDDING…

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Lol ok now i understand

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Thx ^^ But sorry i don’t understand what you mean with ‘Message Body length must at least be 15.’ (i’m french that’s why the bad english xD)

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 2

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Hey everybody
Second movie with my rifle warrior in WvW
Captured after patch [25/06/2013]
Just kidding and HAVE FUN !!!!

(edited by Scharron.2968)

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 1

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Lol thank’s to understand this video was made just for laughting ^^
Zisvof i’m full zerk with ‘no brain’ trait !

[MOVIE] "Sniper Charrzooka" Warrior Volume 1

in Warrior

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Loool just enjoy in your face !!! :-’)

Underworld vs Ruins of Surmia vs Fort Ranik

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scharron.2968


Nice MU ! Lovely little fights against thiefs <3