Showing Posts For Schizotek.5894:

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Schizotek.5894


Google “mystic forge”. Click the 4th link, “demystifying the mystic forge”. That is currently the most complete list of attempted recipes anywhere. Take it from me: many, if not MOST, of the mystic forge recipes haven’t been attempted. Certainly, most of the exceptionally expensive recipes are still untried. It’s just the lists for “unattempted but known” recipes are rarely updated.
Here’s one I haven’t seen on any lists:
1 Eldritch Scroll + Mystic Coins + 250 Charged Lodestones + 250 Orichalcum Sword Blades

[Bug] Multiple Mystic Weapon recipes. Intended or bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schizotek.5894


Even a “fix incoming” or “working as intended” would be sufficient at this point.

[Bug] Multiple Mystic Weapon recipes. Intended or bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schizotek.5894


Still waiting on word if this is intentional or not.

[Bug] Multiple Mystic Weapon recipes. Intended or bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schizotek.5894


Another potential bug:
Just attempted the recipe:
1 Eldritch Scroll + 50 Mystic Coins + 250 Ancient Wood Planks + 1 Giant Eye and received a Mystic Staff.
I’m wondering if these are bugs or are there simply more than one recipe for Mystic weapons?

If its intentional….thats a huge difference in material requirements. If it’s bugged I would appreciate dev input so that we can get the word out on sites that catalogue attempted and unattempted recipes. These are expensive endeavors, after all.

(edited by Schizotek.5894)

Tier 2 silvary cultural light gloves missing textures?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schizotek.5894


The Sylvari t2 light cultural gloves do indeed consist of nothing more than a small vine wrapped around one hand. The hand displayed there should have no textures on it.

Tier 2 silvary cultural light gloves missing textures?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schizotek.5894


To save the devs time:
Provide a picture.
And it’s probably just a small model/texture. Like the Asura gloves which are just a ring on one hand.

Made Dusk of Rage and now it has no tittle? Game bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schizotek.5894


It looks like it was linked by a code produced by streamchan, as opposed to linked from within the game.

[Bug] Multiple Mystic Weapon recipes. Intended or bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schizotek.5894


I made a ticket about this, but I figured I would post here as well.
Last week, I forged the set (as in nonrandom) Mystic Forge recipe consisting of:
1 Eldritch Scroll, 40 Mystic Coins, 100 Orichalcum Ingots, and 20 Charged Lodestones and I received a Mystic Artifact. Up until that point the recipe for the Mystic Artifact was assumed bugged, as the logical pattern to follow for the Mystic weapons resulted in nothing. I simply assumed that I had found the actual recipe, and you had made this item harder to obtain than other Mystic weapons for your own reasons. Prior to this anyone who had tried the recipe I used had not divulged its results to the wider community, either through laziness, apathy, or greed. I reported the results on several active high traffic discussions about the Mystic Forge, and went on my merry way. Yay me.
As it turns out the recipe was, in fact, bugged. The real recipe was the expected 30 coins, 1 scroll, 5 t6 crafting item A, 5 t6 crafting item B formula as all the other Mystic weapons. The true result of the recipe I used is still unknown.
I have not equipped or sold my Mystic Artifact so the hopeful result of this is that it is removed and replaced with the item I should have received, or the materials I put into the Mystic Forge.
As I don’t actually care about the gold/item outside of knowing what the recipe creates for the sake of the Mystic Forge testing community, I’ll also accept an ingame picture of the real recipe result.

Thank you for your time.