Showing Posts For Seabhac.6824:

how is engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


I started playing again after about a year and a half, still have an 80 Mesmer, Gaurdian and Ranger,.. used to love my Mesmer ALOT, but coming back I have had a hard time getting into it. So I opted to start a couple new classes to get my head around the game again. Every one I tried bored or annoyed me until I gave Engineer a good go.. Now I’m having a blast. I’m probably not running the best builds or combos but I don’t care, I’m having fun and that’s what matters.. I’ll worry about min/maxing and what not when I hit 80.

I’m only 39 now and I got there quick because I was just having fun. I am currently running mostly flamethrower with rocket boots to jump around with and bomb kit for close range fights with the first enhanced bombs trait. For long range I use my Rifle, Medium is my Flamethrower and if things get close up and personal I go bombs.

I’m probably not doing it right but eh.. don’t mind, having fun!

PS – enhanced bombs are really fun to take down elites in a hurry and the Big ’Ol Bomb on my tool belt is my favorite!

(edited by Seabhac.6824)

Class Status update for Returning player(s)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


Hi all, I played GW2 about 2 years ago when it first came out with friends for a while,.. got a Ranger, Mesmer, Guardian to 80. Now me and some friends are returning and I found I needed to start from scratch to get my head around the game play again. So I have now leveled a Warrior to almost 50 now and I feel like I got a good head on my shoulders once more. So now I keep going over and over in my mind, what to play? How are all the classes doing now? Some I’ve played, others not so much. This is my take on the classes thus far…

Guardian – not sure of much other than a heavy plate buffer/healer/tank, no idea how they are fairing now

Warrior – I’ve been enjoying it but friends saying they’ve been nerfed and are not as effective as they used to be, but they seem to be a melee heavy plate massive damage dealer

Thief – I keep wanting to play this one but I get frustrated about level 20ish feeling like they should be more effective and give up, but from what I read they are very heavy burst, not steady, DPS and still invaluable

Necromancer – Never played this much, got a new one to 23 and have the minion horde with me, seems fun but not gone anywhere much with it yet. Effective DPSers? not sure

Ranger – Seem fun and a blast but from what old friends tell me they are still mainly a solo PvE class because no one wants them in dungeons, more pretty and fun than effective and dangerous

Elementalist – Played one to level 18 and liked it but hated dying at every turn, deleted her. They seem like the ultimate glass cannon and if you could get your head around attunement switching they’d be great, old articles claimed they are the top ranged DPS and very effective.. but those articles are 2 years old.

Engineer – This one has always been a mystery to me. They always seemed like effective classes, if you can get past the first 40 levels or so, but I never had any idea if they were worth the time or not.

Mesmer- Used to be my favorite class, played it alot, Seem still viable and good just not sure how they are fairing these days.

I would sure appreciate if anyone can shed light on these classes so I can determine which I’d like to get back into, thank you so much!

BLACK MERCS is recruiting! (Dakhaven server)

in Guilds

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


[MERC]is recruiting all level players! Looking for a more active guild? We do guild missions twice a week | WvW daily | PvP | 175+ members | Teamspeak 3 | Offical website:,

ok so there’s the official stuff,. but honestly I been a part of this guild since I started playing the game and have never regretted it. They are relaxed, have fun and help out whenever possible. In a questionable guild? not happy where you are or just wanna join some fun people leveling, SPvP, WvW etc.. give us a try! we’d love to chat with you! Contact Psysys, Vivelle or Zegathor for recruitment detials or I’m sure the crazy louts that run the show Phantomdark or Meneleus would love to BS with ya for a few

So grab a beer, kick up yer feet and come have fun

Advice on sPvP mesmer build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


I agree completely with what you’re saying Syfer. I’ve bounced between shatter with staff / sword and pistol back to my phantasm GS / sword and pistol build trying them out and I don’t know if I’m just used to my phantasm build but I do better with my GS and ranged phantasm build, although I’m still not top of the stats all the time… a full shatter build I have a hard time getting used to. a nice hybrid where I can use my GS with a staff shattering build would be awesome! I’ll have to try this out myself a bit.. backdraw is always the constant focus switch in for speed,.. I wish Mesmers had a passive speed boost like alot of classes have!

Server failing again??!??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


it’s a shame A net can’t pay attention to their customer base. That’s how games die and dissapear

Server failing again??!??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


Back up for me too but once again rolled back and I lost all the glory and daily pvp credit I’d gotten,.. sometimes I wonder why I’m still playing here

Server failing again??!??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


So I just got the same error I did last night when the servers failed and we all lost our arms and legs due to a lame server rollback.. many of us lost a lot when that happened,.. it’s 7:42 pm MST here and it’s happened yet again. Hope this isn’t a trend because I am not sticking around for constant rollbacks!! BTW this was on Darkhaven server

sPvP Mesmer vs Thief questions

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


sPvP Mesmer vs Thief questions

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


I just started playing sPvP with some guildies recently. I have a half a chance to kill any class except thief. These rats stealth in and burn all their cool downs and either kill me initially or then stealth out and seconds later finish me off,.. I’m at a loss because I got no idea how to deal with these ridiculously overpowered thieves in sPvP. I’m currently in a 20/20/0/25/5 build with a GS and sword/pistol wearing knight’s amulet and knight’s jewel in it. my Crit chance is decently high and I do ok but I’m at a loss on how to deal with these thieves! I apologize if this has been posted about before. Can anyone please explain or help on how to handle them? I really appreciate it! thanks!

Lost Zhaitan Shards due to server fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


These are the kind of issues that push me towards leaving and going to another mmo where the devs are actually helpful and the company cares enough to compensate for their screw ups. I’m seeing more and more in GW2 how Anet wants to keep pushing a great game but does not want to listen to or assist their customer base,.. that will get this game shut down far faster than anything else if no one wants to play it.

Lost Zhaitan Shards due to server fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


Yes, but loosing over an hour or more of work loosing something like 60 Arah tokens? that’s ridiculous, Anet needs to take responsibility for that and compensate.

Lost Zhaitan Shards due to server fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


Me and my guildies were runninng Arah,. as we ported out to ocmplete the dungeon at about 7:45pm MST, the servers failed and when we did get back in none of us had our 60 shards for completing Arah. PLEASE refund these shards to us Anet!! this was a painfully hard run this time and took us a while to run,. those in the group were on Darkhaven under then names
Psysys, Phantomdark, Athenaray, Bithon and Meneleus

It’s ridiculous to loose hours of hard work, please compensate us for this server fail.

Darkhaven MERCS wants YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


[MERC]is recruiting all level players! Looking for a more active guild? We do guild missions twice a week | WvW daily | PvP | 175+ members | Teamspeak 3 | Offical website:,

ok so there’s the official stuff,. but honestly I been a part of this guild since I started playing the game and have never regretted it. They are relaxed, have fun and help out whenever possible. In a questionable guild? not happy where you are or just wanna join some fun people leveling, SPvP, WvW etc.. give us a try! we’d love to chat with you! Contact Psysys, Vivelle or Zegathor for recruitment detials or I’m sure the crazy louts that run the show Phantomdark or Meneleus would love to BS with ya for a few

So grab a beer, kick up yer feet and come have fun

WvW build How to tutorial help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


Wow the actual Osicat replying to me,. I feel like I just met a famous celebrity big fan of your videos, have watched them a lot, if nothing else for the entertainment along with the examination of your setup I’ll watch them a few more times and re examine again, thanks also what are the best trait setups for this and does it do well in Fractals?

WvW build How to tutorial help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


Hi all, been playing since January and have finally settled on mesmer. Love the class and my current setup is GS main with sword and focus or pistol, depending on the situation, for offhand. I’m using a 20/20/0/25/5 trait setup and equipped with mostly berserker along with some knight gear. Now I find this setup works fairly well in Fractals, using heal/teleport/reflective dome thingy or portals/null field/Time warp for my utilities. Where I find myself mediocre is in WvW.. in large groups I’m fine, but when I encounter couple players by myself or with 1 or 2 others I once again do ok but not too phenomenal, by my own perception. I use for utilites in WvW, eatherfeast heal/ teleport / decoy / veil / mass invis.

Now I’ve looked over several other possibilites for WvW and like the look of the staff/sword and whatever builds. I’ve watched videos of mesmers totally screwing up lots of people at a time with 3 clones/phantasms to look like 4 of the person and been trying a few things out without much luck. Is there anyone that knows the build well and can walk through how it works and how you fight in wvw with it? or link me somewhere I can examine the breakdown of how it works well. I want to excel in WvW and I am constantly trying to perfect my pvp game and think this could be the key. I appreciate any and all assistance!! thanks in advance!

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


I loved this game when I started playing it. I thought it was a real WoW killer, until I played a ranger.. Now that I see how biased the devs are and how little they care to make improvements and fix a broken class that’s been in glaringly obvious need of fixing since day one, I realize I’m considering uninstalling and looking for something new. Because once rangers are fixed, if ever, who’s to say they do the same to the next profession?
This isn’t as much about 1 profession as it is about those running the game having some vague value system making them desire to keep the game going and doing well. If they have no desire to fix obvious issues, what’s next? Oh the water pipes are leaking? it’s ok it’s just water.. no one will notice… oh the electricity is going out? eh it’s ok we can live with it. Tenants are complaining? eh don’t worry about it, they love the place, they won’t leave… oh the building is on fire? eh the fire department will take care of it.. oh we got not building(game) anymore because of lack of upkeep and now people have left? hmm… maybe we should have fixed that water pipe leak in the first place….. think about it Anet

Rangers arent bad, unless you use bow.

in Ranger

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


I’m interested in what and how you’re doing this JJ, not trying to be patronizing,.. I’d really like to try it out. I’m always hunting for a BBD Bigger Better Deal. Are you using sword main and axe off with shortbow for ranged? I just started Great swording and love it but if this is better heck sure! thanks

and I agree Florg,.. but our bows do subpar even with abilities compared to others,. soo,…

Odd man Out

in Ranger

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


I know Anet has promised a lot to make rangers better,. but it feels a lot like campaign promises that are promised and we never see.. I wish someone had told me if I played a profession that is fun I’d end up being the odd man out, the profession that people make jokes about and are afraid to have more than 1 of, if that, in dungeon groups. I love my class and have put a lot of work into my ranger. research on builds, optimizing how I fight everything.. but I’m tired of the jokes and BS, tired of feeling like the “red headed step child” as it were.. the kid that peed their pants at recess and all the kids at pointing and laughing.

I enjoy my class but I keep leveling alts considering switching to them instead,.. but then I end up back at ranger. Should we be hanging up our hats and moving on? Come on Anet, the game has been out for what? 8 months and ranger been ignored the whole time. Like I said I enjoy my ranger and don’t want to leave her, but I’m on my last nerve with the BS jokes… and crap I hear constantly. PLEASE finally show some love to a profession that has been patient and waiting for a long time now,.. stop favoring all the other professions and fix the profession that has been patiently waiting..

Just my two cents, sometimes just nice to blow off some steam and talk to others about it,. thanks…

Daily: 6 categories complete, no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seabhac.6824


I just did the new daily setup where you choose your dailies but it never gave e credit. I’ve now done 7 of the possible dailies and it shows 5 of 5 complete and 7 done in the achievements but no credit being given. please look into this,.. February 27, 2013.. please give me credit for my work.