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Rate That: Necromancer Name!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Searoth.1290


Name: Alodar Dorin
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Alodar Dorin actually has quite a long history. I first created him as a necro in a MUD (Multi- User Dungeon, text based online RPG) game back in the 1990’s. Since then he has been a vast number of, generally, magic wielding characters, and even played a brief role in a short story I wrote where he earned the title “Lord of Shadows” after killing his mentor Yaxin. He briefly saw life (or rather un-life) as a vampire from the World of Darkness: Vampire the Masqurade RPG but the group fell apart and he never really got developed more then a short back story.

8/10 I like the way it rolls off the tounge.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Name: Zirael Umbra
Idea: Had decided on making him a Reaper. “Umbra” is latin for Shadow. It is also the name of the darkest and innermost part of a shadow (theres the Umbra, penumbra and antumbra). Zirael I got from a fantasy generator.