Showing Posts For SeeMuh.1907:
Hi everyone,
So far i think the Bell Choir thingy is the fastest way to get presents assuming one round of shaking bells takes me 7 minutes.
8.5 runs per hour with 18 presents per run, soo around 144 (assuming i´m able to get into 8 runs) presents in one hour.
(My mathematic abilities arn´t that great though…)
Would be awesome if someone can confirm what i wrote or prove that i came to a totaly wrong conclusion and has a much more efficient way to get me my presents.
Have Great Holiday Everyone
I have to say that i really came to love my pets “wolf & hawk” they´re bugged as “(insert flame here)”, but man how offen did they save my bacon. So yeahh i do love these two.
Altough the fighting with GS / Longbow in combination with the survivalskills feels just amazing.
One more thing – i play most of my time solo and doing stuff alone with ranger and my two trusted pets is just so much easier.
(nop not relaxing on my longbow all day and i’m not using a bear! – don’t deny it i know u just tought it!)
to get this out first, u are capable (i would enjoy fighting you) – good dodges and good timing and use of your cc-abilities and the footage was “okay”. But i would have enjoyed it more if u showed some footage of equally skilled opponents (i know not easy to find a specially people who want to dual). Compared to you the guys u fought seemd a little bit… hmm lets say out of their element.
Still gg & gf`s ;P
i have to say i srsly liked Liadri, because it was challenging solo-content which is something i really miss in GW2 as someone who likes to play solo.
hi everyone,
first i think that the posted screenshot is buffed up because i don´t know how he got up to “120% CritDmg” on lvl 2.
On the other hand most of the other stats are quit possible with just being lvl 2, but only if u grab a helmet and shoulders with karma in a WvW-area if u can some accessoires and more important the “minor runes of what ever u need”.
I can account for “Power & Precision” and “Hitpoints & Toughnes” but only in this combinations and not something like “Power, Precision, Hitpoints & Toughnes” to be realistic on lvl 2 but more likely something around lvl 5 or lvl 10.
Upscaling can be indeed seen as somewhat strong if u know how to mix up your stats with runes, sigels, ….. and what else u can find to get a boost. This high looking stats nevertheless are very likly not really that helpful because u miss out on your utility skills and your traits which makes it just so that you can survive if u choose to grab high “Hitpoints & Toughnes”.
Another downside of being upleveled is that u need to buy new gear with each level u get because otherwise your armorstat will take a huge hit (and as said i don´t think that it is possible to grab CritDmg within the eraly levels, but if someone would show me the gear to reach this stats it would be nice :P ).
i hope it´s atleast possible to understand my english – sry everyone :/
I would really have liked to duel the TUP Engi on RS border, but sadly AM interrupted 2 times and i had to go afk then – sry :/
(srsly hard to find 1vs1´s while it´s pretty easy to get into 1vs4´s xD )
Greetings SeeMuh
After 7 weeks we´re talking to each other like normal human beings. I like the flow of the chat so far. :P
@kribre – i know that AG doesn´t only have big guilds it would be insulting to say so. Thats what i meant with numbers could be reversed. ;P
But the second part is a lot harder because i like my guild even if it is a PvE guild and we can only mobilize 5 guys to play WvW – I played the last 5 years of “Guild Wars 1” in this guild and GW2 since release (I really don´t want to leave em).
Thats altough the whole point we have alot of traditional GW1 guilds which have the slight rule that u have to represent them. Otherwise it would be pretty easy. :/
(sadly most of them seem to be PvE ones)
Maybe we can get some of them to at least play WvW as “Riversideguild Xyz”
Greetings SeeMuh
P.S. thx for the 1 vs 1´s with the Aurora Warrior near Abaddons bay
Dear AG,
maybe after writing more or less the same texts since 7 weeks or so you could give us a solution for the following problems:
1.) The Blobbing, which is even a problem for us because i think everyone allready noticed that we tend to get skill laggs when zergs collide.
1.1) A blobb without TeamSpeak-Coordination, it so happens to us very frequently that it is very hard to get people onto one TeamSpeak (TS) server, because basically our mindless zombieblobb is just a huge mass of PvE people who would like to get their PoI & Vistas.
1.2) The PvE-Zerg, has one big problem u die they leave…. So u have to blobb with the few people u can get to join TS and our fellow PvE friends will do the same. The problem is if we didn´t have them all of our maps would be pretty empty and this wouldn´t be fun for guilds like [ECL], [BOON] or [Kiss] beacause we could only do 5 vs 5 (Guildraids excluded) or a bunch of randoms who like to PvP and duel.
2.) The PvX-Guilds, which is nearly every guild on RS (i will exclude If and Dw because i don´t know if they´re WvW only – i tend to encounter em only in WvW), we have a huge amount of big guilds on RS but the most people i ever saw of em was around 15 guys which can´t even to be considered being an enemy because they´re your typical PvE punching bags which can´t last one hit (won´t blame em for leaving and saying WvW is no fun at all and just coming back to grab a Vista or PoI or if we´re doing good).
2.1) So [DTK] running with 15 people into 25 of [Ecl] i can´t really see the point in fighting, expect they would be in a better position – same goes for [IF] and [dw] (but to tell u the truth everytime i run with em they tend to fight specially [dw]). I think they´re very sorry but just dying pointless wouldn´t make their people happy.
2.2) The dislike of WvW in our guilds is a problem we should be able to fix, but everyone of us who likes to play it is sorry about that. We tried to fix it but it just won´t work for us.
3.) Random guys who tend to run with our WvW guilds – it´s not very friendly to send em away and most of them won´t leave u anyway….
([4.) Being objectiv oriented seems to be our nature and it´s kinda hard to fight that so i think u have to live with that one])
So after telling us somewhat like 7 weeks, what u dislike about our style and saying that it sucks so hard u should maybe try to give us some good advice how we could solve thes problems.
A server switch is out of question because we don´t really have WvW exclusive guilds and getting rid of PvE player isn´t that easy and can´t be the essance of the solution.
The style we play right know is the style which tends to work in our favour and in our condition…. Everyone of us who likes WvW gets your point but WvW isn´t for an exlcusive bunch of people who know how to play it and thats something RS can show very good.
Greetings SeeMuh
P.S. I know my speeling and grammar isn´t that good but i hope u can understand most of it. Although all numbers are fictive and could be reversed.
If one of my fellow RS-Guilds don´t want to ne named in this text just tell me and i will remove your names, same goes for the AG-Guilds.
(edited by SeeMuh.1907)
I only played on Abaddons last night and i can tell u that nor AG nor Abaddons nor RS were outmanned the number of people on each side looked pretty even to me. But yes we all got outmanned – i mean it must be so right?
Never the less i think we all can agree on one thing, that it wasn´t atleast one bit of fun because of the awesome amount of skilllaggs we all had when our zergs clashed. Sadly when this happend no one could do a thing on the map and even killing a dolly felt a bit like lagging out on jormags claw. : /
I hope Gandara will stay and i think they will manage it if they want to. ;P
Speaking of Gandara nice fights with the guy near our spawntower i srsly liked your build. Sadly we all played a bunker-build so non of us died but never the less “gg”.
greetings SeeMuh
P.S. I liked some of the post that followed after my last one, because they showed that their are honorbale and respectful people on every server.
(edited by SeeMuh.1907)
Holy Cow…. After reading this thread i just wished i had recorded the last 4 weeks of WvWvW play. Each server is just blaming and flaming like the whole point of this game is to rename it into “Flame Wars 2”. But the truth is that i saw the soo disliked tactics people try to pin on one specific server are used from all of them in the same amount, at least as far as i noticed it. For example 2 weeks ago a large number of AG-Players hide out inside the Hillkeep they outmaned Riverside by far but they decided to bunker (no problem, cause its a tactic) but it coast em the keep cause they didn´t build something in the lordroom just on the outer wall – 24h later we had the exact same thing happen, just that the servers where reversed this time Riverside bunkerd and outmaned Auroraglade same thing happend Aurora got the keep. It´s just one example… I could give so much more, but sadly the just won´t work so well when u write em down. I have to admite i can only speak for the blue borderlands, but i highly doubt that it´s different on the other maps. It´s altough very intressting how every server always rages about the fact that their enemys have so much more man power. So i´m just starting to wounder which one has the least man power when all of em complain… Oh and just to tell a special Guild that Riverside isn´t afraid of fighting u in the openfield – even if u come at us with 20 guys we fight u evrytime and encounter u with our 5 man die honorable policie.
Greetings MyGuild
I nearly forgot to greet the Aurora Mesmer i fought yesterday u were awesome! :P
(edited by SeeMuh.1907)