Showing Posts For Selveen.8695:
Yeah. You guys are freakin ninjas!
Although I’ve only seen the ice droplet land after the bad guy is dead… other than that, ninjas are cool, so therefore, you are cool.
What? I don’t have an elementalist.
Hey all, I understand all the angry and the “omg underpowered” threads that are here, but I just want to say that I love my class. I didn’t start in any beta weekends, but started during the 3 day head start. It was a slow start with my Sylvari, but now that I’m level 80 I feel strong and confident. I never had a chance to visit these forums then since it wasn’t open at the time, but playing my character and seeing Elementalists around me I’d stop and be stunned at their ability. In parties its never a argument of who did more or less damage.
I just want to say that I love playing my thief. I love it dearly and wouldn’t trade it for all the gold you could offer me. In game gold. Not real life kind. I’m not dumb. So stay classy Elemantalists, and don’t give up on your class, either!
Thief(dagger): 3, 3, 5, auto attack, F1, 2, 2.
Thief(sword+pistol): 5, 3, F1, repeat. Or 5, Caltrops, Dagger Toss.
Guardian(mace+focus) 2, 3, 4, repeat.
Guardian(G.Sword): 4, 5, 5, 2, 3
Necromancer(Staff): 3, 2, 1~
With 1 being auto attacked I don’t have to press it, and for the 3 classes I play I rarely touch it. All I do isn’t “I swung a sword1,1,1”. I find your post offensive. Good day, sir.
… Some ppl just need to learn to play as Elementalist, specialy when i read ppl typing that Elementalist will die on a zone level 80 with one mob …
I’m an Elementalist my self, on Orr i can handle more then 5 mob’s on me at the same time … even an Elite mob ( the big ones with one eye ) i could kill alone … remenber that he call the little worm’s and such.
So stop complain how much the Elementalist are underpower compared to other classes and learn how to play with Elementalist
Oh, those guys? I do those as my level 80 thief. Using that as an example isn’t helping your case. I can also solo Kol on my guardian. Not saying its hard, but using enemies that have predictable attack patterns, hit slowly and not often is a bad thing to use. I see those enemies as a way to test my dps. “I can kill a Risen Giant in so and so seconds!” type thing.
Join a guild. Make sure there’s lots of people in it. Making friends, and chatting with them, is something that’ll bring a reason to log in and level.
Its a long cooldown and what it does doesn’t justify its cooldown time.
It rezzes a single person that is dying. It also has a cast time. If the person is under attack a normal rez would work better since you keep their health from going down that way.
To justify it’s time I have a couple of suggestions.
Make in instant cast.
Make it bring a person to life that is already dead.
Make it effect more than one person.
Make the person that’s being rezzed immune to damage during the duration of the cast time.
Any of those would make it better. All of those would give me happies.
The cultural armor is only for the looks. They offer worse stats than crafted exotics which are far cheaper. They are meant to be a long term reward for dedicated players. Prices are fine as they are.
I believe if that was the case then there would either be no level on the items, or all the items would be level 80. Through normal progression there is no feasible way for an individual to be level 40~ and have enough money/karma to afford a full set of 40 RSE.
I’m hoping I can get someone to say for sure, as anecdotal evidence has seemed to swing in both directions from what I’ve heard.
I’m saying for sure it’s not 10%. People in map in Lion’s Arch map chat believe it’s 100% and the only reason why I’m not saying it’s that high is from personal testing. Hundreds of people, on both my server and overflow, and none have said anything against it being higher than 10% when testing. My guild has also tried it, and every single one of them that has tested has gotten an upgrade.
Already been addressed. The patch last night changed these things to be world drops from enemies rather than purchasable. You can find a similar thread here about this topic.
Glad this change happened. Rather than getting what you need from the game directly from vendors you now have to get it from enemies and the world just like the other crafts. It also means that more player to player trading can take place since your items can now be purchased from each other.
Apart from the eggs and oranges I have appear to be soulbound so untradable.
Even after this change?
Well, if that’s the case, then please ignore what I said. Thanks for correcting me.
Glad this change happened. Rather than getting what you need from the game directly from vendors you now have to get it from enemies and the world just like the other crafts. It also means that more player to player trading can take place since your items can now be purchased from each other.
I sort of agree. Changing this mechanic for you would also change it for the rest of the not color blind people. Now, I’m not saying “sucks to be you” here, but what I’d suggest is an option to change different colors in the system.
For example, each different part of the HUD would have its own RGB slider bar. That way you can choose for yourself what color you can see best that’d make it noticeable, and also you’d not be changing how I see things.
Edit: At the risk of being banned I “could” go through the coding of the game and find a file that controls the HUD if its there, but changing that part could result in being flagged for botting/using 3rd party software and get me in hot water.
From personal experience that 10% is much higher. At first I thought that it was a typo and they left a 0 out as it should be 100%, but after salvaging about 10~ things yesterday all at once, all level 80, 8 out of those 10 gave me a higher material.
If this was truly 10% chance then I would have to be extremely lucky to get a 10% chance to happen 8 times out of 10. My personal thought is it’s prolly closer to 75% with the results I received.
I’m pretty sure this is a bug, but almost every karma vendor you can run across in cities and towns only sells food ingredients. Even two karma vendors a short walk away will have the same selection.
Now, I’m sure that these are not supposed to be the case and should have things pertaining to where they are(like ore at one spot, cloth at another….) but this has remained in its current state for a while now.