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Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Sendoh.1734


I haven’t been on desolation for long but i have to say its so frustrating waking up in the morning to see VS capped everything at 4am while you were asleep and gained a nice amount of points. I would love to see WvW a 12 hour event and shutdown at night so prime time fights were more intense and stop the door smashing simulator.

And if you want for some reason to play 24/7 they can allow you to pick a second server with a different prime time to represent.

if you shut down at night, deso ll be in trouble since they do points at night and at lunch time
Thats why they are talking now about cheats and morningcap since they are the nightcappers

How would deso be in trouble in the current matchup against VS and Elona if that happened? Are you saying Deso is weaker then VS and Elona during those 12 hours? Because right now the issue Deso is facing is that we don’t have the same all around coverage as VS. However I dare say that once we do get our numbers on and have equal numbers, Deso is quite strong. The only issue is that by the time we have the numbers to fight back we’re faced with the situation where we have to try and cap a lot of fully upgraded and fully sieged up places back before the points start comming back in… and capping those places is a lot harder then having to defend those places. However once we do we’re basically 1st or 2nd in points a tick the rest of the day. And that’s not just around lunch time. It’s basically the entire late afternoon and evening usually. Now imagine VS not being able to cap everything during the morning and not being able to fully siege/upgrade … can you honestly say you think Deso would be in such a bad spot? Because you kind of make it sound like we don’t even belong in tier 1 and are less then the other 2 servers.

However I don’t think putting WvW up for only 12 hours is an option nor would I like to see that option. I think what’s mostly determening who’s winning the matchups is who has the better coverage and who adjust their strategy the best to the coverage they have. So they deserve to win because mainly because they take full advantage of that and match their strategy to that and as a result are great defenders of keeps/towers and whatever else. I really respect the time and effort VS puts in this to win and gratz on another gold medal this week.

Personally I don’t really mind losing that much, we just don’t have the coverage to win right now. Also I don’t need to be the winner on points at the end of the week to have fun (isn’t having fun the main purpose of a game anyway?).
I really enjoyed some of the fights we’ve had against both VS and Elona. Like a 20 minute fight over a suply camp where we had to whipe the VS zerg 6-7 times before we could finally cap it or the three way fights between the Deso, Elona and Vizunah zerg. These past 2 weeks it seems VS is slowly improving in their open field fighting a bit too and they no longer retreat as much as they used to when they notice we have even numbers in the open field, so it’s becoming quite enjoyable to fight them now and the fights are closer then before. Also had a few good fights against Elona, but it seems that their coverage isn’t to great on every border as it seems they’re outmanned half the time when I’m on so haven’t fought them as much as VS this week sadly. Hopefully next week will be just as fun as this week

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Sendoh.1734


Personally I don’t really care about gunnar’s and Augury wanting to form an official alliance against desolation. It would just limit the fun since it limits the action across the map since all the fighting will be done on desolation’s territory most likely (same as what happens in the t1 matchups vs vizunah and FS , wich is why I don’t find that matchup interesting at all). Also I wouldn’t really call it a real match anymore either, it would just be the bashing of one server by 2 servers that refuse to fight eachother, where desolation will only be able to do something back during the night. I do think augury is most likely going to win though if they get gunnar’s help wich I wouldn’t mind either since if they beat us it’s narrowly probable and we’ll be in an easier bracket for another week while they probable move up eventually. Although I do have to say is that the main problem with desolation is the organisation. As a server I do feel we belong in the nr 3-4 spot since we’re generally a bit stronger then gunnar and augury during the entire day. Although I don’t really think gunnar and augury are always that organized either I do think that during large portions of the day they are very organized unlike us on desolation (although I still don’t get why gunnar has to have 30 people camping the jumping puzzle yesterday for example while hardly anyone on desolation even bothers with doing it during primetime).

And in all honesty about the night shift… yes I think during the night we have more members then them with the exeption of about 2-3 days where they seemed to outnumber us. Generally in the mornings augury + gunnar is stronger then us again though while later in the afternoon and evening we hold the advantage again. All in all I’d say so far it’s a pretty close and fun game. Although I do wonder what happens when Augury takes the lead later today, will Gunnar continue to bash desolation with them then or attack them then as well and try to go for their own chances to win?