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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sephar.4312


Dear Arena I’m relay worried what i have read in news about Ascended EQ. On first impression i though “Cool new gear” but when i read through specific of this items i was terrified. First of All u take first upgrade slot to make infusion slot, and in my opinion it’s bad very bad call. Ok add infusion slot it’s great idea more diversity in gear but don’t take old one. Next thing which makes me worry is that we would need Ascended Eq to finish new dungeon? Well solution to this problem would be possibility to ascend exotic (rare 80 even?) gear. But ascension of this eq would add just infusion slot.
About Infusion I have to little information to say anything but please don’t add things like resist bleed, poison, or other things like that.

Hope U will read my post and think about suggestion i wrote in it.