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Vampiric build

in Necromancer

Posted by: SeraphAnimo.2356


Weakening shroud? No heal there, iirc.

And the daze last 2s (3s with Banshee’s Wail).

Weakening Shroud casts Enfeebling Blood at point blank. Since Enfeebling Blood deals Direct Damage, this will trigger the traits Vampiric and Vampiric Precision.

Wail of Doom doesn’t deal any Direct Damage, therefore can only trigger Vampiric, since it only hits the target, but doesn’t deal any damage.

Minions Shouldn't Be Killed.

in Necromancer

Posted by: SeraphAnimo.2356


These are actually good suggestions. I’d actually go back to MM if these come into play.

Why isn't vamp.skills affected by HealingPwr?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SeraphAnimo.2356


I think that most people have been confused with the life stealing mechanic of Necro’s for some time, so here are some clarifications:

Those that scale with the WvW healing bonus:

  • Traits: Vampiric, Vampiric Precision, Vampiric Wells, Vampiric Master(*)
  • Skills: Deadly Feast, Life Leech, Life Siphon, Signet of Locust

(*)This is the reason why people get confused with the traits, that even though the wiki states that they do not scale with any stat, they’ve experienced an increase nonetheless. The WvW healing bonus considers life stealing as healing, thus the increase in healing when the traits trigger.

Those that scale with Healing Power:
*Life Syphon (1 per 25)
*Life Leech (1 per 25)
*Signet of Locust (ratio of 0.125 when hitting 5 targets[?])

Why isn't vamp.skills affected by HealingPwr?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SeraphAnimo.2356


Siphoning traits scale with the WvW healing increase percentage. The siphoning traits do not scale with anything.

Hit and Crit siphoning redundant?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SeraphAnimo.2356


Now you have me curious as well. Do conditions -bleed and poison- siphon health as well each tick?

Unfortunately, no. The vampiric traits only respond to direct damage you deal with any skill. They do not respond to damage done by conditions.

Where can I get this armor...?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SeraphAnimo.2356


hello, I just wanna know if this armor is available outside of Pvp? It’s named Masquerade Armor too but with a different design, so it’s really difficult looking for it.

Thanks in advance.

Rabid Jewels

in Necromancer

Posted by: SeraphAnimo.2356


I’m not sure about rabid jewels sorry. But if I can make a suggestion why not just by runes? For example Superior Rune of the Undead?

(1): +28 Condition Damage.
(2): +15 Toughness
(3): +55 Condition Damage
(4): +35 Toughness
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): 5% of Toughness becomes Condition Damage

Lots of toughness and Condition damage, I don’t think anyone even uses gems most people use runes.

Edit: Healing power doesn’t affect Siphoning

At the very end of the page, it’s noted that Life Siphon is in fact affected by Healing power, 1 for every 25 (approx). The only one in the life stealing category (excluding combos) that scales.

Still, the amount is minuscule, so having Healing Power JUST to fuel Life Siphon is not recommended.

(edited by SeraphAnimo.2356)

Esoteric's Necro Build: The Versatile Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: SeraphAnimo.2356



Staff 3 is your your Chillblains…err Chillbrains (Silly Anet can’t hire some grammar Nazis)

Chillblains is an actual medical condition. It’s not a typo.