Showing Posts For Serasi.9568:
Just to get it out of the way: I play a thief as my main at the moment. I do plenty of sPvP on my thief – both in tournaments and in public matches – and I make use of heartseeker. That being said, I do not spam heartseeker and I never will. I have my own build at the moment – using dagger/pistol – and, though I make use of heartseeker, I don’t rely on it too heavily.
Now that’s out of the way and I can come to the point. Heartseeker is a flawed ability. It is extremely powerful and easy to use. That being said, it does not make those who spam it invincible, unbeatable or godlike in any way. Understanding the way the thief profession works goes a long way toward their defeat and the same goes for thieves fighting any other profession. Anet has recently posted that they are going to continue gathering data before making any balance changes and they urged players to try to find existing counters before giving up entirely. It was very good advice.
To paraphrase Sun Tzu, if you know your enemy and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.